Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Statement by Mr. Sugeeshwara Gunaratna, Deputy Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka under the item 24 Social Development of the General Discussion of the Third Committee Thursday, 28 September 2023
Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Statement by Hon. Ali Sabry, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka at the High-level plenary meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day for the Total Elimination of Nuclear Weapons Tuesday, 26 September 2023
Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Secretary-General Meets with President of Sri Lanka Sunday, 24 September 2023
Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Speech made by H.E.Ranil Wickremasinghe, President of Sri Lanka at the the 78th Session of UNGA Saturday, 23 September 2023
Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Statement by Mrs. Aruni Wijewardane, Secretary of Foreign Affairs at the the Conference on Facilitating Entry into Force of the CTBT Friday, 22 September 2023
Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Statement by Foreign Minister at the Ministerial Meeting on the Summit of the Future Thursday, 21 September 2023
Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Keynote speech by H.E.the President at the High-level Dialogue on Financing for Development Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Statement by Foreign Min at High-Level meeting on Global Development Initiative Cooperation Outcomes Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Statement by H.E. the President of Sri Lanka at the SDG Summit:Leaders' Dialogue 6 Wednesday, 20 September 2023
Facebook Twitter Google Plus Linkedin Statement by Ambassador Pieris at the High-level plenary meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day against Nuclear Tests Tuesday, 29 August 2023