The report of the Secretary-General on UNDOF reconfirmed that Israel supports the armed terrorist groups in the Syrian Golan. th SG stated in this report that "After the issuance of my previous report, UNDOF observed one occasion in November and several in January and February when armed individuals crossed the ceasefire line, approached the technical fence and at times interacted with israeli army across the ceasefire line in the vicinity of United Nations observation posts 51 and 54. In some instances, wounded individuals were handed over from the Bravo side to the Alpha side. During the evening of 20 January, in the area north of observation post 54, UNDOF observed two trucks crossing from the Bravo side to the Alpha side, where they were received by IDF personnel. The trucks were loaded with sacks before returning to the Bravo side. On at least four occasions in February, United Nations personnel at observation post 54 saw vehicles, including small trucks, crossing the ceasefire line from the Bravo side and approaching the technical fence. On one such occasion, several vehicles, including some with anti-aircraft guns mounted on the back, were seen parked next to the technical fence"