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Sri Lanka demands retraction of London Guardian Travel Quiz with reference to “Eelam”

Saturday, 16 May 2020

The attention of the Ministry is drawn to a quiz titled “Travel quiz: do you know your islands, Man Friday?” published on the web edition of The Guardian newspaper in the United Kingdom on Friday, 15 May 2020.  The second question reads -‘Eelam is an indigenous name for which popular holiday island?’

Among the answers to this question, Sri Lanka has been listed as one of the choices and when one selects  Sri Lanka as the answer, whilst indicating it as the correct answer, a further description ‘the full name of the island’s recent military insurgency was LTTE – Liberation Tigers for Tamil Eelam’ appears.

The High Commissioner of Sri Lanka in the United Kingdom wrote to the Editor of the Guardian newspaper on the inaccuracy of this information requesting that the content be removed.

Ministry of Foreign Relations


16 May 2020

Foreign Minister conveys Sri Lanka’s appreciation to Cuba for support during COVID-19

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

The Minister of Foreign Relations Dinesh Gunawardena conveyed his deep appreciation to the Cuban Government for the support extended through the dispatch of a Cuban medical team to the Republic of Haiti to attend to the medical needs of Sri Lankans employed in Haiti.  The Foreign Minister conveyed these sentiments during a meeting with the Cuban Ambassador in Sri Lanka Juana Elena Ramos Rodriguez on Tuesday 12 May at the Foreign Ministry. The five-member medical team was dispatched by the Cuban authorities on the express request of the Sri Lankan Government to support the over-50 apparel sector employees in Haiti.

India donates 4th consignment of essential medicines to Sri Lanka

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

The Deputy High Commissioner of India in Colombo Vinod Jacob today made a token handover of the fourth consignment of essential medicines and medical items to Minister of Foreign Relations Dinesh Gunawardena, Minister of Health and Indigenous Medical Services Pavithra Wanniarachchi, and Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha at the Ministry of Foreign Relations.


Monday, 11 May 2020

Sincere appreciation to Dr Sukumar Nagendran & Members of the Royal College Old Boys East Coast Foundation, USA, for the laudable project of Rs15mn for enhancing the facilities of the Nurses' Quarters at the Infectious Diseases Hospital (IDH) Sri Lanka, at the request of the Presidential Taskforce for Covid-19 Control.

The facility was opened on Vesak day by Hon. Pavithra Wanniarachchi, Minister of Health, Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine.

Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka to the UN

Statement of H.E. Kshenuka Senewiratne, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations at the Buddhist Embassy Vesak Day Programme, 7th May 2020

Thursday, 07 May 2020

With the Permission of the Most Venerable Members of the Maha Sanga

Dear devotees

Ladies and gentlemen,

It is with great pleasure that I join all of you to celebrate this thrice-blessed day of Vesak. I wish to thank Mr. Visita Leelaratne for organizing this event on an international scale this year, despite the trying times we face today.

Foreign Secretary Aryasinha elaborates on Cabinet decision to give priority in repatriation to vulnerable sectors among overseas Sri Lankan migrant workers

Thursday, 07 May 2020

( Sinhala ) (Tamil) ( English )

Foreign Secretary Ravinatha Aryasinha participated in a television interview, recorded today (07 May 2020), at the Sri Lanka Rupavahini Corporation (SLRC) where he expanded on the Cabinet Paper presented by Hon. Dinesh Gunawardena, Minister of Foreign Relations, Skills Development, Employment and Labour Relations  regards "addressing the vulnerable sectors of the migrant labour category of Overseas Sri Lankans amidst the COVID-19 pandemic by the Government of Sri Lanka".