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Foreign Ministry helps Sri Lankan exporters overcome adverse impact of COVID 19

Friday, 12 June 2020

Comprehensive measures taken by the Ministry of Foreign Relations, in close coordination with the key Government Economic Agencies and the private sector to address and mitigate the impact of COVID 19 particularly on Sri Lankan exports, has helped in sustaining and regaining lost markets for traditional Sri Lankan exports, while enabling new opportunities. Exports which accounted for US $ 277 Million in April 2020, had increased to US $606 Million in May, and is expected to grow in the coming months, in line with the revised projections.

This observation was made by the Foreign Ministry’s Additional Secretary/Economic Affairs P.M. Amza, during an interview on Ada Derana on 10 June 2020, held to discuss the economic impact of COVID-19, and its demands and challenges for Sri Lanka.

Statement of the High Commission of Sri Lanka on the Private Member Bill 104 presented to the Ontario Legislative Assembly

Wednesday, 10 June 2020

The attention of the High Commission of Sri Lanka in Ottawa has been drawn to Media reports concerning the Private Member Bill 104 presented in 2019 to the Ontario Legislative Assembly.

The High Commission and the Consulate General in Toronto continue engagement in this regard with both the Federal and Provincial Authorities. Sri Lanka’s firm protest against the blatantly false claims being made in the Bill including the grossly exaggerated number of casualties at the conclusion of the conflict in Sri Lanka and allegations of “genocide” have been conveyed. The authorities have also been urged to consider a balanced view and not to be swayed by prejudicial viewpoints propagated by certain anti-Sri Lanka activists in Canada.

It is observed that several Sri Lanka groups and individuals in Canada have also engaged the Canadian authorities against the misrepresentations in the politically motivated Private Member Bill.


Sri Lanka raises concerns on reference to Sri Lanka in OHCHR press release

Tuesday, 09 June 2020

Sri Lanka’s Acting Permanent Representative to the United Nations in Geneva, Dayani Mendis, in a letter addressed to the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, has raised concerns regarding the allegations made in a press release issued by the High Commissioner on 03 June 2020 regarding “clampdown” of freedom of expression during COVID-19, in which a reference had been made to Sri Lanka.

The letter highlights that it has become essential for all countries and Governments to take measures to counter misinformation and disinformation in the interest of protecting public health, particularly during the
COVID-19 pandemic. These measures are also in line with the consensus resolution on COVID-19 response adopted on 18 May 2020 at the 73 World Health Assembly (WHA), which also, inter alia, calls on Member States to provide the population with reliable and comprehensive information on COVID-19 and take measures to counter misinformation and disinformation.

Ambassadors of Arab Countries meet Foreign Relations Minister Dinesh Gunawardena and assure fullest support and cooperation towards Sri Lanka

Monday, 08 June 2020

On behalf of the President and Prime Minister, Government and people of Sri Lanka, Minister of Foreign Relations, Skills Development, Employment and Labour Relations Dinesh Gunawardena met the Ambassadors of Arab Countries based in Colombo at the Ministry of Foreign Relations, today, 8 June 2020 and expressed sincere gratitude through them to their respective Arab Governments for the support and solidarity given to the people and Government of Sri Lanka during this

Statement by H.E. Kshenuka Senewiratne, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations at the Launch of the “Group of Friends to Combat Marine Plastic Pollution” 8th June 2020

Monday, 08 June 2020
  • Sri Lanka is pleased to be among the founding members of the “Group of Friends on Combating Marine Plastic Pollution”. I wish to congratulate Norway, the Maldives and Antigua and Barbuda for this timely initiative and look forward to contributing to the Group’s efforts in the future, to achieve SDG 14.

    Revised Instructions on PCR testing and Quarantine procedures for DPLs entering Sri Lanka

    Friday, 05 June 2020

    Following the revised instructions issued on 4 June 2020 by the Presidential Secretariat on the PCR testing and quarantine procedures for the members of the Diplomatic corps based/attached in Colombo when they enter/re-enter Sri Lanka in order to prevent and minimize the risk of the spread of the Coronavirus, the Ministry of Foreign Relations, took immediate action to convey the same to all Diplomatic Missions, the Representation Offices of the United Nations and its Specialized Agencies, International Organizations, Honorary Consulates resident in Colombo through diplomatic channels.