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Statement by H.E. Bashar Ja’afari 3rd Committee-Item 68

Tuesday, 15 November 2016
H.E. Bashar Ja’afari
GA 3rd Committee

Madame Chair,

The introduction of this draft resolution criticizing the so-called "human rights situation in Syria" by the Saudi delegation, on behalf of a group of its sponsors and employers, is a paradox in itself. As a matter of fact, the Saudi regime must be the last to talk about human rights in this international organization, given its records of humanitarian and legal backwardness in this domain towards the Saudi citizens themselves, and toward expatriates.

One must wonder, here, if the Saudi regime is ready and prepared to comply with the paragraphs of this same draft resolution, when it comes to the continuing human rights violations in Saudi Arabia itself? In accordance with the moral rule: He who makes you equal to himself does you no injustice!!

The involvement of Al-Saud and Al-Thani and their sponsors in supporting terrorism has become clear to all, and "Wikileaks" confirmed it, specifically, in the presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton leaked emails, as well as Vice President Joe Biden statements, about the Saudi and Qatari regimes involvement in supporting and funding terrorism in my country. Not to mention the recent report, issued by "Toyota", upon the request of the Syrian and the Russian Federation governments, who provided the company with thousands of satellites photos of the cars used by “Daesh” and “Al Nusra Front”, and this report confirmed that the company has sold /60/ thousand SUV to: Saudi Arabia Qatar, UAE, Jordan, and of course, these cars are now in possession of “Daesh.”

All are aware of the Saudi terrorism, which is something not new in the region and the world, and we can still witness its dark deeds in Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Iraq, Libya, the countries of the Sahel region, Chechnya, New York, Yemen, Kuwait, Bahrain, Paris, Nice, Boston, Belgium, Lebanon, and the eastern and southern regions in Saudi Arabia itself. President-elect Donald Trump has said addressing Al Saud: "Do not think that the Wahhabi groups which you have created, and ordered to deploy dark and brutal ideology and destruction, will stand by your side and protect you. These groups belong to you and they will come back from all over the world and hunt you. "

The proposed draft resolution today, reflects a hysterical and political incompetence of the entity of Al Saud and its partners, towards the victories accomplished by the Syrian army and allied forces, backing the Syrian government upon its request to eliminate the Saudi - Qatari terror Cancer of Wahhabism, which has spread all over the world.

The Saudi aggression fiasco against Yemen, Syria, Iraq, shows that the aggression is a gangrene disease that eats up the soul of the aggressor. We are entitled to ask: How Saudi Arabia, this primitive statelet, non-party to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, yet, it steps up and propose a draft resolution against Syria on human rights?

The introduction of such a draft resolution undermines the collective efforts to enhance constructive dialogue and mutual trust among member states, some of which grossly seek to disrupt and hijack the mechanisms to deal with human rights issues in the context of the Universal Periodic Review.

Such destructive practices were parallel to many serious setbacks that befell the United Nations organs, notably chairing of Israel to the Law Committee of the United Nations this year, as well as the suspicious deal made by Saudi Regime to purchase seat in the Human Rights Council. And moreover, to head this Council in 2015… If the case so, we will never be surprised to witness "Daesh" chairing UN peacekeeping operations in the coming year! and to witness “Al-Nusrah Front” or "Bo Ku haram” or “Youth Movement" chairing OCHA, as well.

There is no doubt that you were all aware of the political blackmail and Mafia perpetration of the Saudi Regime, when it launched threats to the Secretary-General to suspend financial aids to the United Nations programs and specialized agencies, particularly the UNRWA, in order to force him to take the name of what so-called "coalition" led by Saudi Arabia against the people of Yemen, from the report prepared by the Special Rapporteur on children and armed conflict.

It was shameful and regrettable to listen to the public statement of the ambassador of Saudi Regime in Washington DC Abdullah Al Saud, when he likened his family’s aggression on Yemen to a “husband hitting his wife”! That was his response to a question by the US “Intercept” reporter. Such an answer explains itself, with no need to a WAHHABI interpreter to clarify the extent of his Intellectual and civilizational retardation and futility.

When it comes to the Qatari Regime, this family junta is the last to talk about human rights, being the first sponsor and funder of TAKFIRI terrorism. A small statelet where no constitution governed, nor the people have the right to vote. Moreover, the so called “Qatari democratic ruling institution” relies on series of coups, cousin against cousin, and son against father! Still, the ruling family in Qatar calls these coups “transparent democratic transition”, which the citizens of Qatar are the last to know about….

And when it comes of sponsoring terrorism, the Qatari Regime is strongly present. This fact has been confirmed by the incident of "LOTFALLAH" ship in 2011, when this Regime sent abroad these ships tones of arms from Libya for terrorists in Syria through a Lebanese port. It is also well known that both Qatar and Israel are sponsoring the terrorists of “Al-Nusrah Front” and “Daesh” in the Syrian occupied Golan.

Therefore, and due to the deep belief of the Great Statelet of Qatar in the importance of human rights, the ruling family had sentenced life imprisonment at the poet Mohammed bin Rashid Al Ajmi, because he criticized in a poem the lack of freedom in Qatar… Turkey also acceded to Saudi Arabia and Qatar, not only in cosponsoring the draft resolution, but in the sponsorship of terrorism, and turning a blind eye to tens of thousands of terrorists who have crossed the border into Syria under the auspices of the Turkish authorities, without moving these authorities a finger, these are documented facts spoken about by representatives in the Turkish parliament, and not worthless media allegations or accusations.

The Syrian Arab Republic calls upon Member States not to fall into the traps of the Saudi-Qatari intellectual perversion, which doesn’t comply with the principled position of the Non-Aligned Movement based on the refusal to discuss specific resolutions about the human rights situation in any Member State.

Based on that all, we call on Member States to vote against this sinful draft resolution, which only aims to prolong the terrorist war on my country Syria, and to undermine any prospect for a political solution.

Statement by H.E. Bashar Ja’afari 3rd Committee-Item 68