- One of the parties to the marriage should be a Sri Lankan Citizen and should give Notice of Marriage to the Embassy. (Forms are available at the Embassy).
- The marriage may be registered in the Embassy after a lapse of twelve (12) working days from the date of receipt of the Notice of Marriage and within three (03) months from such date.
- The Embassy charges a fee of US $ 33.00 for the registration of a marriage and $44.00 for the registration of a marriage under Special License.
- Valid passports of both parties should be produced.
- Two (02) witnesses with photo identification documents should also be present.
- The originals of the following documents are required for the registration of a marriage:
- Passport
- Bachelor Certificate
- Notice of Marriage
- Proof of Residence
- Fee of $ 40.00. (Money order or Certified Cheque)
Marriage between two Sri Lankan Citizens
Both parties should obtain a Bachelor Certificate issued by the Grama Niladari (Village Headman) in the applicant’s city/village, which should be endorsed by the Divisional Secretary and thereafter by the Consular Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Colombo 03.
Marriage between a Sri Lankan citizen and non – Sri Lankan Citizen
- For the Sri Lankan Citizens
- Bachelor Certificates should be obtained by the Sri Lanka Citizen. (Procedure is the same as above.)
- For the Non-Sri Lankan Citizens
- Bachelor Certificate (original of the certificate of the confirmation of civil status issued by the authorized institute of the relevant country) from the Embassy of the country of the non – Sri Lankan citizen.
- A valid passport and the copy of the passport with visa required to enter Sri Lanka
- A Security Clearance Report issued by the local authorities of the relevant country indicating that the person has not been subject to any conviction for any offense for a period of six (06) months.
- The original copy of the certificate obtained from the security authorities of the relevant countries, should be sent to the Civil Registration Unit of the Department of Registrar General Department through the local party or through an agent of the local party.
- Based on the above certificate, a license will be issued to register such marriage by the Registrar General according to the Security Clearance Report and it will be adverted to the local party or the agent of the local party to hand over to the Additional District Registrar to whom the marriage will be proceeded to register.
- Original of the license issued by the Registrar General (as mentioned in paragraph 3(b) above).
- Self-declaration of the health condition (Health Declaration) by the non-Sri Lankan citizen.
- Certificate of birth and a copy of the same.
For further details please contact the Consular Division of this Mission.
- This Mission is not responsible for any document lost in the post.
- Submission of forged documents and making false declarations relating to citizenship is a punishable offence.
- Fees will not be refunded in the above circumstances.
- Please be mindful to submit the completed applications as the incomplete applications will be rejected.