- Application for Certificates of “No Objection” should be forwarded as per specimen provided, together with copies of the picture, visa, endorsement and alteration pages of the passport.
- Applicants are required to obtain a Case File number from the US Department of State and inform same to this Mission. The United States Department of State website: http:travel.state.gov/jvw.html provides instructions on the procedure to obtain a case file number.
- As the Waiver Review Division of the Department of State has requested that “No Objection” Certificates be forwarded via Federal Express, applicants should send a Money Order / Certified Cheque for US $ 20.00 in favour of “Permanent Mission of Sri Lanka”. Personal cheques will not be accepted.
- Certificates of “No Objection” are issued by the Controller, Immigration & Emigration in Colombo, and the process may take up to 03 months.
- This Embassy is not responsible for any document lost in the post.
- Submission of forged documents and making false declarations relating to citizenship is a punishable offence. Fees will not be refunded in these circumstances.
- Incomplete applications will be rejected.