Statement by H.E.Mr. Mohan Pieris, PR of Sri Lanka to the United Nations at the UNICEF Second Regular Session of the Executive Board
Statement delivered by H.E. Mr. Mohan Pieris, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nations at the High-level plenary meeting to commemorate and promote the International Day against Nuclear Tests
Statement by Ambassador Mohan Pieris at the Joint Debate on Peace building and sustaining peace
Statement made by H.E. Mr. Mohan Pieris, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the united Nations at the Third United Nations Chiefs of Police Summit (UNCOPS)
Statement by H.E. Mohan Pieris, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the United Nation at the Executive Board of UNDP, UNFPA and UNOPS - 2nd Regular Session
Statement by H.E. Mr. Mohan Pieris, Permanent Representative of Sri Lanka to the UN at the Executive Board of the UNDPA, UNFPA and UNOPS – Second Regular Session 2022
Madam Chair,
I thank Assistant Secretary General and Regional Director at the Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific of the UNDP Madam Kanni Wignarajah for presenting the Country Programme Document for Sri Lanka for the term 2023-2027 notwithstanding the difficult economic environment. The crisis is referable to multiple compounding factors such an adventurous tax policy, money creation, a mistiming of a nationwide policy to shift to organic or biological farming, the 2019 Easter bombings, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic in Sri Lanka and finally exacerbated by the present crisis in Eastern Europe.
"Partnership Finder'' to help investors find new business partners
The Board of Investment (BOI) of Sri Lanka has launched the "Partnership Finder" (PF), a new strategic initiative aimed at attracting investments and facilitating partnerships between existing investors and entrepreneurs of Sri Lanka as well as new entrepreneurs and innovators.
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