Esteemed Mr. Co-Chairs,
Mr. Secretary-General,
At the dawn of the new century we adopted, and have since implemented the Millennium Development Goals. We achieved many targets, yet some – failed to achieve. But, by and large, the global community passed the test. We all learned lessons and made huge strides.
This time, the international community has produced a history-making document. The entire family of the United Nations agreed on the roadmap towards sustainable development. Now the humanity has a truly universal, ambitious action plan for upcoming 15 years.
Never before in a human history was such a universal and unanimous agreement reached.
We agreed on urgent targets, on a broad range of economic and social challenges and on environmental exigencies.
I would like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt Thank You to all those who made it possible. Thank you for your tireless work, sleepless nights and firm commitment. You have shouldered the mountain of responsibilities to produce the truly historic 2030 agenda for humanity.
Now, that responsibility is on us, Members States, to ensure its full implementation.
Mr. Co-Chairs,
Mongolia’s commitment to international cooperation remains strong.
The success of the Sustainable Development Goals will mainly depend on: a revitalized global partnership, an active engagement of governments as well as the resilience of and synergy with civil society and the private sector.
It is widely recognized that each country has a primary responsibility for its own development. But at the same time the world community should not forget - there are many countries, including the land-locked developing states, still in need of helping hands.
One thing is certain - every nation state shall always strive for good governance, strict rule of law and sound human rights policy.
In order to put those sustainable development goals in practice we need to have robust, inclusive and open mechanism and policies as outlined in this Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda. We must have reliable implementing, monitoring and accountability regulations and institutions in place.
Justice and fairness is the order of the day. Every nation and government must actively contribute to the global good with its respective capability and differentiated responsibility. We must also agree on a global agreement on climate change later this year in Paris.
Mr. Co-Chairs,
We need to mobilize our full potential to achieve the primary purpose of the founding of the United Nations, i.e.
promotion of peace,
respect for human rights,
and inclusive economic and social development.
I believe that in the XXI century, the UN will remain at the heart of our humanity.
I thank you.