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01 February 2017
New York
STATEMENT BY H.E.Mr. Nomtoibayar Nyamtaishir, Minister oF Labour and Social Protection of Mongolia
/On agenda item 3a. Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all/
Mr. Chairman,
At the outset, I am extending my delegation’s warm congratulations to you and other colleagues in the Bureau on your unanimous election. We are confident that under your skillful leadership, the Commission will have fruitful deliberations.
My delegation highly appreciates the Secretary-General’s reports issued for the 55th session. Among them the report on the Strategies for eradicating poverty to achieve sustainable development for all provides practical strategies and useful recommendations to eradicate poverty in all its forms, including extreme poverty. The report on the Policies and programs involving youth recalls the need for robust, stand-alone youth policies coupled with consistent cross-sectoral efforts and provides a thought-provoking experience of Member States on their recent initiatives.
Mr. Chairman,
The Government of Mongolia attaches a great importance to the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDSs). By 2030, Mongolia aims to be a stable middle income country that has eradicated poverty in all its forms and preserved its ecological balance.
With this view, last year, we adopted "Mongolia’s 2030 Sustainable Development Vision" which charts the country’s development path for the next 15 years.
Moreover, the SDG concepts are integrated into the Action Plan of the Government of Mongolia 2016-2020. The Action Plan focuses on establishing sustainable national economic policies linked to regional and global economic trends and sustainable means of implementation that are absolutely free from political influence. Guided by the concept of not leaving anyone behind, we made efforts to target the furthest behind first. Instability and unemployment are the root causes of every problem including poverty. Even air pollution is largely influenced by poverty. Thus, we are committed to exert all our efforts on the implementation and financing of the Action Plan.
We believe that sustainable economic growth will create jobs and shift people from welfare beneficiaries to contributors to the national economy and the SDGs. To create a stable policy environment, necessary amendments have been made to the Law on National Development and innovative policies and programs have been adopted comprising a broad range of social development issues including poverty, education, health, employment, social protection, gender equality, youth, ageing, disabilities and inter-sectoral coordination and partnership.
Mr. Chairman,
As we are a young nation, where nearly 65% of the population is under age 40, we are confident that investing in youth will be a shortcut to achieve the SDGs. We believe that this strategy will prevent us not only from many challenges in the next 15 years, but also help us in growing active citizens – future leaders of Mongolia.
Using this opportunity, I would like to express our gratitude to UNFPA, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the Government of Luxembourg for implementing projects on youth development in Mongolia. Our partners recognize the great potential of young people and support them in reaching full potential. Under these projects, 16 local youth development centers and health clinics have been established.
In 2015, Mongolia hosted One Asia: XIII Asian Youth Council General Assembly under the theme ‘’Youth involvement in Sustainable Development Goals" with more than 1,000 representatives including civil society and private sector stakeholders from 25 Asian countries. International youth gathered at this Assembly reaffirmed youth’s role in achieving the SDGs, particularly youth related goals and targets. "The Declaration of Ulaanbaatar", outcome document of the Youth Assembly, which was shared with the United Nations, has served as an important input for our national youth development policies and programs.
In the coming years, youth access to health care, education and employment systems will be improved and youth participation in decision-making supported. It will make Mongolia as one of the few countries that can achieve the SDGs through Youth Development Strategy supported by Youth policy, National Youth program, Youth Development Law and the Government Agency in charge of implementing pro-youth policies and programs. We truly believe that SHORTCUT TO SDGs is a SUPPORT FOR YOUTH and we will be glad to share our experience and lessons learned.
Mr. Chairman,
In 2015, Mongolia has been classified for the first time as a high Human Development Country in the UNDP’s Human Development Report.
However, in recent years, the country is tackling economic hardships and with one in five people living below the poverty line, poverty remains a challenge. During this strenuous time, youth, women and vulnerable groups including persons with disabilities are most fragile. For instance, the unemployment of young people is as high as 60 percent among the total unemployment rate. We have been implementing employment support programs based upon the labor market demands and improving skills of graduates of vocational education and training institutions. We are striving to mobilize more financial and human resources to pursue these policies.
Finally, I wish to thank the United Nations and other development partners for the cooperation and support in advancing our social development goals and objectives and re-affirm my Government’s strong commitment to achieving its 2030 Sustainable Development Vision and contributing to the global Agenda 2030.
Thank you for your attention.