Mr. Chairman,
At the outset, I would like express our appreciation to Mr. Herve Ladsous, Under Secretary General for Peacekeeping Operations and Mr. Atul Khare, Under Secretary Generals for Field support and for their useful and comprehensive briefings. Mongolia wishes to align itself with the statement by Morocco on behalf of Non-alignment movement (NAM).
Mr. Chairman,
My delegation welcomes the reports of the High Level Independent Panel on Peace Operations and of the UN Secretary General on “The future of United Nations peace operations: implementation of the recommendations of the High-level Independent Panel on Peace Operations”.
The Secretary General’s report and the Panel rightly recognize that “a United Nations peace operation is not designed or equipped to impose political solutions through sustained use of force”, and that UN peace operations are not the appropriate tool for military counter-terrorism operations. Upon this recommendation, as UN peacekeepers are not deployable for targeted offensive action against armed militias, non-state actors and terrorists. We should follow the main principles of UN peacekeeping such as consent of the parties, impartiality and the non-use of force except in self-defense and defense of the mandate.
The Secretary General in his report has proposed three challenging pillars for conducting UN peace operations first, with a “renewed focus on prevention and mediation; second, stronger regional-global partnerships; third, and new ways of planning and conducting United Nations peace operations to make them faster, more responsive and more accountable to the needs of countries and people in conflict”. Of these, dominance must be given to the peaceful settlement of disputes as the core objective of UN peace operations, set out in the UN Charter.
We urge an assessment requested by the UN Secretary-General designed to identify the current state of UN peacekeeping operations, emerging future needs and comprehensive review of issues related to in-mission mobility as well as command and control of military enabling assets by 2016.
As Troop contributing country, my delegation will continue actively to participate in considering two reports at General Assembly, 4th committee and Special Committee on Peacekeeping operation (C34), and urges all Member States shall involve in the consideration of recommendations to be included in the strategic and policy documents of the Peace operations.
Mr. Chairman,
While Mongolia has obligated to enhance its participation in United Nations Peacekeeping missions step by step, about thousand Mongolian peacekeepers, including 70 female soldiers are serving in the most challenging missions such as in DRC, Darfur and South Sudan. Mongolia has pledged a new contribution of engineering company near future and is taking all necessary steps to build this capacity.
My delegation wishes to share lesson learnt in preparing and participating in Peacekeeping operations and encourage them to participate in the peacekeeping training and exercises to be conducted in my country.
Mongolia has facilitated the training of international peacekeepers and enabled the deployment to peacekeeping operations around the world by establishing the Peace Support Training Center "Tavan Tolgoi" near its capital city of Ulaanbaatar. The Peace Support Training Center is conducting regional and bilateral peacekeeping exercises, and military observer, staff and logistic officer training according to the UN standards. The center would benefit not only for Mongolia, but also for the UN in its peacekeeping capacity building. We are now offering this center to conduct UN standardized training for the Asia-Pacific countries and for the UN.
We agree that one of the pillars of UN Peacekeeping is to build a law enforcement capacity of the host country. The Government of Mongolia will take all necessary steps for the preparing individual police officers to send to the United Nations Peacekeeping operation. Thus we welcomed a visit of the UN Selection Assistance and Assessment Team (SAAT) of the UN Police division second half of 2015, and submitted the list of candidates for the visit of the Assessment of Individual Police Officers for Service in United Nations Peacekeeping Operations and Special Political Missions in this regard.
Mr. Chairman,
In concluding, I would like to take this moment to extend my deepest gratitude to thousands of blue helmets, and soldiers who have taken part in peacekeeping operations in conflict areas and performing theirs duties with professional skills and strict discipline.
Thank you for your attention.