Mr. President,
Excellencies the Speakers of parliament,
Ladies and Gentlemen,
First of all, I would like to express my gratitude to the IPU for organizing this Conference. The significance of this Conference is that it is taking a place at the historic period of humanities redefining and reconfirming the post 2015 development goals in where our active participation and contributions are greatly needed.
In the last 15 years, the MDGs have played an important role in the socio economic developments of world countries by uniting and guiding us. Although we have been successfully implemented the majority of goals, there are still many issues lingering and requires further attentions. Thus, I am confident that the world countries will redefine and unanimously adopt the post 2015 developments goals at the UN summit in the coming weeks
By emphasizing to ensure the implementations of the MDGs, Mongolia has achieved some progress and the State Great Hural the Parliament of Mongolia has ratified the additional 9th goal for the national level on strengthening the democracy, human rights and good governance.
The consistent fulfillment of progress and prosperities and sustainable development of every country is the priority of the international communities. To ensure the implementations and deliverance of the post 2015 development goals, the national parliaments must undertake measures to introduce necessary amendments to the existing legislations while strengthening its over-sighting functions over the executive branch of government and to adopt budget and finance that is required for realization of sustainable development plans into actions. The State Great Hural, the parliament of Mongolia will emphasize on the above mentioned tasks.
The half of the Mongolian population is women and about 90 years ago their rights have been proclaimed in the country's first Constitution as they are equal to those of the men. Mongolia has always paid a special attention to ensure gender equality and has been ratifying policy documents aimed to increase the percentages and roles of women in the decision making level.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Mongolia is committed to contribute to the efforts rendered by the international communities to strengthen democracy and good governance. Over the recent years, Mongolia has chaired the Community of Democracies and Freedom on-line coalition and has successfully hosted their regular conferences in 2013 and 2015 at the Ulaanbaatar, where we have shared our 25 years of experiences of democracy.
In a short span of time, Mongolia has ensured the universal suffrage and now walking along with those countries that have years' of history and traditions of election democracies and it has celebrated the 25th anniversary of the country's first democratic election. For the first time in Asia, moreover, Mongolia is hosting the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly's Autumn meeting in Ulaanbaatar between the 15th-19th of this month. Taking this opportunity, I would like to extend the invitation to Your Excellencies and Honorable ladies and gentlemen from OSCE members, to come to our sunny Mongolia and to attend the above mentioned meeting.
Mongolia is a country that cherishes its own ancient traditions as well as the modern rule of law, democracy, freedom and human rights. Soon, during the upcoming Fall session, our Parliament is planning to undertake a progressive legislative reform in our sanitation and waste management sector. We are committed to fulfill our unfinished business of MDGs, and step toward the SDGs by launching this long-due reform.
Thank you for your attention.