Mr. President,
It is a distinct honor for me to address this high-level meeting to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the United Nations.
The world Organization, having risen from the ashes of the darkest war in the history of the humankind, has grown into the most powerful platform of multilateral cooperation.
Today, after 75 years in existence the Charter of the United Nations continues to be the prevailing instrument of international law.
The United Nations has helped to mitigate the most devastating conflicts; catalyzed decolonization; offered humanitarian help to people in need; fostered peacekeeping and peace-building; set the global norms; forged consensus on global development agenda; safeguarded human rights and provided the necessary assistance to reduce poverty, hunger and disease. But the mere existence of the United Nations augments the sense of stability in this volatile world.
Mr. President,
As the Secretary-General Antonio Guterres put it recently “the world is experiencing a deepening calamity”. The COVID-19 pandemic has engulfed both advanced and developing economies causing unprecedented economic damage and social collapse. The IMF projects its losses on the global economy would reach 12 trillion US$ by the end of 2021. This pandemic causes a serious threat to our efforts to eradicate global poverty and hunger. Inequality still remains a major challenge. The pandemic has clearly revealed the interdependence and fragility of the human family in the face of a host of emerging challenges.
Climate emergency, strategic rivalry, nuclear menace, terrorism, violent extremism, spiraling conflicts, cyber-crimes and retreat of multilateralism have further added to the multi-dimensional complexity of today’s world. The challenges we face are multi-faceted and interconnected and ought to be addressed only through renewed multilateralism with the United Nations as its center as we all agreed in the Declaration to be shortly adopted.
Mr. President,
Cooperation, compassion and solidarity are the only way forward to overcome the pandemic and ease its lingering social and economic impact.
Mongolia has been taking proactive measures to prevent the spread of the pandemic and minimize its negative socio-economic impact. As a result of timely containment action Mongolia has so far no local transmission and no pandemic-related death.
But its economic and social cost has been enormous with the economy shrinking by 9,7 percent over the first half of this year, and total export decreasing by 28 percent.
The Government has introduced two economic stimulus packages amounting up to 5 percent of the GDP to ease the pandemic’s burden on shoulders of our people, particularly those who are vulnerable.
Additional recovery measures are reflected in the Government Action Plan. Counter-cyclical policy will be pursued to overcome the pandemic’s socio-economic impact, and will ensure an-employment-led and people-centered recovery. A strong emphasis is put on green development. The Government will make sustained efforts to diversify the economy and its export with value-added production in non-mining sectors.
Large-scale development projects will continue in the areas of infrastructure, including oil refinery, gas pipeline, construction and water supply. These and other important projects will be actively pursued to further enhance our cooperation with our bilateral and multilateral partners. The Government will continue to pursue its open, multi-pillar foreign policy.
Mr. President,
Only through support, solidarity and cooperation we, as a human family, will overcome the spread of the pandemic and will be able to build back better and stronger community.
I thank you.