Mr. Chairman,
Distinguished Delegates,
It is a great pleasure for me and my delegation to participate in the Annual Meeting of Foreign Ministers of Landlocked Developing Countries (LLDCs).
I wish to convey my sincere gratitude to H.E. Mr. Mukhtar Tileuberdi, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, for his excellent leadership as Chair of the Group of LLDCs.
I would also like to express my Government’s appreciation to the UN Under-Secretary General and High Representative for the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDs, Ms.Utoikamanu and her office for the continued support extended to our group.
Mr. Chairman,
This ministerial gathering is a significant platform to review and assess the implementation of the Vienna Program of Action, to identify innovative and flexible way forward, to deepen the cooperation with our partners and to strengthen the group’s unity and solidarity.
Today’s meeting is being convened at the unprecedented time when we, all, continue to contain and prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic that exposed the vulnerabilities and inequalities within and among our societies even more explicitly.
We realize that our first task in the Decade of Action and Delivery to accelerate the implementation of SDGs, is to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic and build back better. There is no doubt that we can do it through comprehensive cooperation and effective partnership. To that end, the efficient approaches towards mobilizing sources of financing, sharing knowledge, innovation and technology, and improving access to markets are necessary and urgent for LLDCs to keep the progress achieved so far, and respond to addressing the impact of the pandemic and beyond.
Mr. Chairman,
I would like to briefly touch upon Mongolia’s contribution to the SDGs’ implementation in the COVID-19 context. The principle of SDGs - “Leaving no one behind” is the key directive in our countering the COVID-19 pandemic. My government has introduced economic stimulus packages amounting up to 5 percent of GDP and taken the proactive measures through implementing comprehensive plan for tackling the multi-faceted impact of this mega crisis, as ensuring an employment led and people centered recovery.
More recovery policy and measures on overcoming the challenges caused by the pandemic have been reflected in the Government’s Action Program for 2020-2024. As a result of these timely actions, Mongolia has so far, zero local transmission of COVID-19 and no pandemic-related death.
Mr. Chairman,
The Parliament of Mongolia has recently approved the “Vision-2050” as a contribution to the acceleration of the implementation of the 2030 Agenda and its integral part- The Vienna Program of Action at the national level. This national long-term development policy places a strong focus on poverty reduction and sustainable development and recognizes common national values, human development, quality of life and middle-class society, economy, governance, green development, and regional development as priorities.
We fully support the Secretary-General’s efforts to maintain transit freight transport to carry essential goods and equipment to LLDCs. In this regard, I would like to underline that we have introduced the “Green Gateway”, a temporary trade regulation, in the midst of the crisis, to increase the exports and to boost the confidence in economic recovery. The Government of Mongolia is willing to diversify the economy and its exports of value-added products in non-mining sectors. We will, also continue the large-scale development projects in the field of infrastructure, including oil refinery, gas pipeline, construction and water supply.
Mr. Chairman,
We have witnessed that the countries with special needs face persistent challenges that hamper their efforts in achieving the SDGs. Thus, Mongolia fully supports the chair’s efforts to build closer collaboration to secure and promote the shared interests of the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS, especially within the intergovernmental negotiation process.
We welcome the UN Roadmap for accelerated implementation of the Vienna Program of Action, at the international level, in the remaining 5 years that highlights priority areas with practical deliverables towards achieving the objectives of this dedicated program.
A scientific knowledge, effective research studies, evidence-based advisory services and analytical tools are imperative to overcome the challenges faced by LLDCs. Hence, I would like to underscore the important role of the International Think Tank for LLDCs and its contribution in achieving the sustainable development in LLDCs. Taking this opportunity, I invite the member states, development partners and relevant stakeholders to provide the Think Tank with adequate support and contribution for enabling this organization to do more for LLDCs.
In conclusion, may I reiterate our continued support to the work of the Group of the LLDCs. Also, I wish the Annual Meeting of Foreign Ministers of the LLDCs a full success.
I thank you for your attention.