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Friday, 03 April 2015

On March 31, the “Fostering Civic Engagement at Sub-National Level” project final workshop was held jointly organized by the Office of the President of Mongolia, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation / SDC / and the Asia Foundation. Over 70 representatives of local and city administrative units, civil society organizations and citizens have gathered to workshop to exchange views and experiences on increasing civic participation. Citizen Participation and Economic policy Advisor to the President L.Dashdorj introduced success and achievements of the project “Fostering Civic Engagement at Sub-National Level” and the project’s Advisor, Professor A.Enkhbat hosted the workshop. 
“Fostering Civic Engagement at Sub-National Level” project supports efforts by the president’s office to promote urban and rural governments that are democratic, empowered, and accountable to citizens, and which provide services responsively to citizens’ needs. The program in 16 selected sites: Undur-ulaan, Tariat and Tsahir soums in Arkhangai aimag; Saintsagaan, Delgertsogt and Deren soums in Dundgobi aimag; Asgat and Erdenetsagaan soums in Sukhbaatar aimag; Jargalant soum in Khovd aimag; Zuunmod, Altanbulag and Sergelen soums in Tuv aimag; and khoroos no. 8, 13, 14 of Khan-Uul district in Ulaanbaatar city.