Ms. N.Oyundari, Deputy minister for Foreign Affairs of Mongolia has met with Edmont Mulet, Assistant Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations on March 11, 2015.
Mr. Edmon Mulet has said about the challenges that are facing UN PKO, and efforts taking by UN PDKO to this challenges. He noted that High level Panel on Peace operations has been activily looking at evolving dynamics and the changing nature of PKO, we look forward to the conclusions and recommendations of this Panel to provide possible options. He also stated the importance of the common understanding of the nature of modern peacekeeping by TCC, and incoming Chief of Defence Conference will serve as starting point for it. E.Mulet has also expressed his sincere gratidute for Mongolian soldiers who are serving in the UN PKO with extraordinary courage and fulfillment of the mandated tasks. He also expressed the opportunity the jobs at the UN DPKO and showed the interest to hire Mongolian officers at UN DPKO
Ms. N.Oyundari has commented on the participation of Mongolian Armed Forces in the UN PKO, she said that the participation was extended by general officer and staff officers in UNMISS last year, and individual non-commissioned officer will start to serve and Government of Mongolia is working on the issue of the sending individual police officer for UN PKO. She has appreciated that first Mongolian officer, especially female officer will be posted soon at the Office of Military affairs of DPKO as Peacekeeping Affairs Officer.
Deputy Minister was very grateful for hearing news about that first ever officer from Mongolia, female officer took the tour duty at the UN DPKO while she was attending at the 59th session of the UN Commission on Status of Women. She noted that Mongolia would take steps to build enabling capacities for UN PKO, in particular in construction engineering units, and to share lessons learned in UN PKO with other new troop contirbuting countries (TCC), also to encourge TCCs to attend various training activities conducted at the Peace Support Training center of Mongolian Armed Forces which is conducting UN standartized trainings.