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Thursday, 21 April 2016

Foreign Minister L.Purevsuren met H.E. Mr. Ronald Keller, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Kingdom of the Netherlands on the occasion of the latter’s presentation of the Letters of Credence to the President of Mongolia on Tuesday 19 April 2016. At the onset of the meeting, Foreign Minister L.Purevsuren reassured Mongolia’s desire to deepen bilateral cooperation with the Netherlands within the framework of Third neighbor policy, and expressed gratitude to the support and assistance rendered by the Dutch Government during the transition period of social and economic reforms of Mongolia and being one of the close partners since early 1990s. Further, the two sides agreed that such optimistic relations should be directed towards boosting trade and economic cooperation, collaborating in agricultural field, and exchanged views on possibilities to cooperate in water management and water security issues, which has become a crucial topic not only in Mongolia but also to the world.  In addition, Foreign Minister L.Purevsuren pointed out the importance of arranging cultural events reckoning the 45th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the Kingdom of the Netherlands next year. At the conclusion of the meeting, Foreign minister L.Purevsuren congratulated Ambassador Ronald Keller once again for presenting his Letters of Credence to the President of Mongolia, and wished every success to the Ambassador’s further endeavors of developing Mongolia, Netherlands relations.