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ATMIS Djibouti Troops Mark 47th Anniversary of Armed Forces Day

Tuesday, 11 June 2024

“On this momentous occasion, we reflect on our armed forces’ commitment to the quest for peace. For over a decade, our armed forces have been a pillar of stability in Somalia, demonstrating our support to our Somali brothers and sisters, and promoting regional peace and security,” - Col Waberi.

His Excellency Mr. Mohamed Siad Doualeh addresses the Security Council on the Protection of Civilians in Armed Conflict

Wednesday, 22 May 2024

“As we celebrate the 75th anniversary of the Geneva Convention of 1949, let us recommit with renewed urgency to the implementation of international law and United Nations Security Council resolutions for the protection of civilians in armed conflicts and promote accountability.”

S. E. Mme Ouloufa Ismail Abdo s’adresse à la 16è Session de la Conférence des États parties à la Conférence relative aux droits des personnes handicapées

Wednesday, 14 June 2023

Discours prononcé par la Ministre des Affaires Sociales et des Solidarités lors de la 16è Session de la Conférence des États parties à la Conférence relative aux droits des personnes handicapées (COSP16), aux Nations Unies, New York le 13 juin 2023


Wednesday, 17 May 2023

Press Release:  United Nations Thanks Djibouti For Its Contribution To Peacekeeping

“Djibouti is one of the highest per capita contributors of uniformed personnel to UN peacekeeping. I am grateful for the service and sacrifice of Djiboutian women and men who have served in complex and challenging operational environments, as well as for the country’s steadfast commitment to promoting peace on the African continent,” according to Mr. Lacroix. “The UN will never forget the sacrifice of the two peacekeepers from Djibouti who have lost their lives while serving under the Blue Flag”.

Ambassador Mohamed Siad Doualeh signs the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons

Monday, 09 January 2023

Djibouti has become the first new signatory to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW) in 2023. At the United Nations headquarters in New York on 9 January, H.E. Mr. Mohamed Siad Doualeh signed the landmark treaty bringing the total number of signatories to 92.