Article 131 [Entrenchment of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms]
No repeal or amendment of any of the provisions of Chapter 3, in so far as such repeal or amendment diminishes or detracts from the fundamental rights and freedoms contained and defined in that chapter, shall be permissible under this Constitution, and no such purported repeal or amendment shall be valid or have any force or effect.
Article 132 [Repeal and Amendment of the Constitution]
- Any bill seeking to repeal or amend any provision of this Constitution shall indicate the proposed repeals and/or amendments with reference to the specific articles sought to be repealed and/or amended and shall not deal with any matter other than the proposed repeals or amendments.
- The majorities required in Parliament for the repeal and/or amendment of any of the provisions of this Constitution shall be:
- two-thirds of all the members of the National Assembly; and
- two-thirds of all the members of the National Council.
- Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph (2), if a bill proposing a repeal and/or amendment of any of the provisions of this Constitution secures a majority of two-thirds of all the members of the National Assembly, but fails to secure a majority of two-thirds of all the members of the National Council, the President may by Proclamation make the bill containing the proposed repeals and/or amendments the subject of a national referendum.
- The national referendum referred to in Paragraph (a) shall be conducted in accordance with procedures prescribed for the holding of referenda by Act of Parliament.
- If upon the holding of such a referendum the bill containing the proposed repeals and/or amendments is approved by a two- thirds majority of all the votes cast in the referendum, the bill shall be deemed to have been passed in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution, and the President shall deal it in terms of Article 56.
- No repeal or amendment of this paragraph or Paragraphs (2) or (3) in so far as it seeks to diminish or detract from the majorities required in Parliament or in a referendum shall be permissible under this Constitution, and no such purported repeal or amendment shall be valid or have any force or effect.
- Nothing contained in this article:
- shall detract in any way from the entrenchment provided for in Article 131 of the fundamental rights and freedoms contained and defined in Chapter 3;
- shall prevent Parliament from changing its own composition or structures by amending or repealing any of the provisions of this Constitution: provided always that such repeals or amendments are effected in accordance with the provisions of this Constitution.