Ambassadors Tevi and Schwalger,
Distinguished panelists,
I offer this short intervention on behalf of my Fijian colleague Ambassador Prasad, as Chair of the Pacific Islands Forum, who is unable to join us in-person today as he is currently on duty travel.
On behalf of the members of the Pacific Islands Forum with presence at the United Nations I thank Vanuatu and New Zealand, our fellow Pacific Forum members, and the other Core Group members of this important initiative on the ICJ Advisory Opinion on climate change for organising our dialogue today and for their continuing outreach efforts.
Let me also express our appreciation to the panelists for this useful discussions on the Advisory Opinion function of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) and the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea (ITLOS). Such dialogue will contribute to assisting us take this initiative progressively forward.
In their 51st communique, our PIF Leaders declared that the Pacific is facing a Climate Emergency that threatens the livelihoods, security and wellbeing of its people and ecosystems, backed by the latest science and the daily lived realities in Pacific communities.
Our Leaders commended Vanuatu on its initiative to secure a request from the UN General Assembly for an advisory opinion from ICJ to clarify the legal consequences of climate change,
We strongly call on the UN General Assembly to support this resolution seeking an advisory opinion on the obligations of states under international law to protect the rights of present and future generations against the adverse impacts of climate change.
For us, we are strongly supportive of the draft General Assembly resolution on this initiative that has been informally presented by the Core Group of countries leading this initiative.
We note with appreciation the initiatives and ambitious actions on climate change in other parts of the international community at large.
In closing, we join in unity and solidarity with our sisters and brothers in Vanuatu, one of the most climate vulnerable nations on earth, in calling for the broadest possible support from member states for this important landmark initiative for the wellbeing of all of humanity and the ecosystem.
I thank you.