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Sunday, 25 October 2020

In recognition of the historic commemoration of the United Nations (UN) 75th Anniversary, the United Nations in collaboration with Fiji organised a commemorative program yesterday to mark the remarkable partnership between the United Nations and Fiji in advancing the global mandates on universal peace and prosperity.

The UN 75th Anniversary commemoration was held yesterday in Suva and the program was attended by UN officials, senior government officials, diplomatic corps, multilateral development partners in Fiji and the region. The event featured Fiji’s UN Peacekeeping Legacy through highlights on Fiji’s UN Peacekeeping Testimonies and Intergenerational Dialogue on, “The Future We Want, The UN We Need.”

Fiji and UN also formalised the innovative partnership through the official signing of the Commitment of Partnership on the Book on Fiji’s UN Peacekeeping Project by the Minister for Defence, Security and Policing, Hon. Inia Seruiratu and the UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Sanaka Samarasinha.

While officiating the program, President of the Republic of Fiji, His Excellency, Major-General (Ret'd) Jioji Konusi Konrote commended the United Nations for its tremendous contributions towards the regional and global prosperity.

“For all of our independent years; the United Nations has touched all aspects of our lives – from the vaccinations we received in our primary schools; to support for strengthening our democratic institutions; to enhancing food security; to programme that expand incomes and livelihoods for our women; to helping us develop our data capabilities to improve Government policy making; to supporting victims of domestic violence and abuse; to giving voice to our young to shape international discussions on the big questions of our time.

“The United Nations has stood with Fiji and the whole of our region each time we faced a major disaster; each time we faced down a health crisis; and each time we faced a new challenge to our development. And Fijians have given back a great deal to this institution. For more than 40 years, our peacekeepers have defended the defenceless in some of the world’s most conflict-ridden regions,” President Konrote said.

Fiji’s Head of State emphasised on the importance of multilateralism in collectively addressing the current unprecedented challenges encountered worldwide.

“We look to the UN to give us the global solidarity we need to make that happen. Otherwise, the economic wounds this pandemic has inflicted on the Pacific may never heal. Of course, COVID-19 is only one of the great crises at our doorstep.

“Our world is still warming. The seas are rising. Storms are becoming stronger. The planet is becoming less habitable, for humankind and for all the life that shares the Earth. Just as it is for COVID-19 and just as it was for the post-war world in 1945, our best solutions depend on solidarity. Then as now, people and communities shared a feeling a deep sense of anxiety, fear and uncertainty. Then as now, we must communicate clear purpose, demonstrate clear commitment, and find strength in the might of our multilateral system,” President Konrote said.

UN Resident Coordinator, Mr. Sanaka Samarasinha reaffirmed UN’s commitment to advance sustainable development and building resilient nations through enhanced partnerships and dialogue.

“As COVID-19 wreaks havoc around an ever shrinking world, we know that our challenges are interconnected, our futures interdependent and the success of the solutions we develop will to a great extent hinge on reinvigorated multilateralism and global action. Only by working together can we overcome this pandemic because we are only as strong as our weakest link.

“At the same time, we also now know after seven and a half decades that the three pillars of the United Nations – peace and security, development and human rights are not only equally important, but also interrelated and interdependent.

“Here in the Pacific, I would like to reaffirm our commitment to the governments and people we serve that we will continue to spare no effort to work in partnership with all of you in all these areas as we strive together to fulfil the promise of nations united.”