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High Level UN Peacekeeping Ministerial Conference

Friday, 29 March 2019

The Minister for Defence, National Security and Foreign Affairs, Hon. Inia Seruiratu, attended the United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial that was held at the General Assembly in New York, last week.
Minister Seruiratu addressed the United Nations Peacekeeping Ministerial on Friday 29th March 2019. The meeting was opened by the United Nations Secretary- General, Antonio Guterres, and presided over by the Under- Secretary General, Department of Peace Operations, Mr Jean Pierre Lacroix. The UN SG highlighted the need to make peacekeeping missions safer and stronger and that there is still a lack of critical capabilities. He stated that training is essential to improving performance and achievement of peacekeeping tasks.
In his address, Minister Seruiratu highlighted Fiji’s long history of peacekeeping and its commitment to Peacekeeping. He expressed Fiji’s support to the United Nations Action for Peace (A4P) and its commitment to contribute to the success of these United Nations reforms.
As part of its Action Plan, Fiji is engaged with bilateral partners to build capacity and capability for its peacekeepers. Fiji is progressively improving its participation of females in peacekeeping. Minister Seruiratu reaffirmed Fiji’s commitment to the United Nations Peacekeeping and paid tribute to all peacekeepers, in the service of peace. It was also highlighted that Fiji is committed towards the enhancement of UN Peacekeeping achievements and that of the troop contributing countries.
The Ministerial meeting was attended by Ministers and Head of Defence Forces from member states. Some member states also pledged specific capabilities, urgently required by the United Nations Department of Peace Operations for peacekeeping missions.
The Ministerial Conference ended on Friday 29th March 2019.
The Fijian delegation was led by Minister Seruiratu and it comprised of Deputy Commander of the Republic of Fiji Military Forces, Brigadier-General Mohammed Aziz, Senior International Relations Superintendent of Police, Mr Ulaiasi Ravula, Permanent Representative of Fiji to the UN, Ambassador Dr Satyendra Prasad and Military and Police Adviser, Col. Sapenafa Motufaga