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Fiji Day Celebration - Fiji commits to strengthen United Nations ties

Thursday, 17 October 2019

FIJI’S Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN) in New York is committed to strengthen its partnership with the United Nations.

This was the key message conveyed at the celebration of Fiji’s 49th Independence, Fiji Day celebrations hosted by the Fiji Mission in New York on October 10th, 2019.

The celebrations was attended by the UN officials, Fiji and Pacific Islanders at the UN and diplomats from around 80 countries.

Speaking at the celebrations, Fiji’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations (PRUN) reaffirmed Fiji’s commitment to strengthen collaborations with UN Agencies in progressively achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. He thanked and commended UN for its tremendous contributions in advancing the development and prosperity of Fiji and across the Pacific.

“Fiji has mainstreamed sustainable development goals into our national programming. This is driving us forward as a progressive, inclusive country that is moving forward as a nation deeply respectful of the United Nation’s core values of equality and respect for human rights. “We shared our progress and challenges with the UN through our first Voluntary National Review.

“We welcomed the UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to Fiji and to Pacific earlier this year.”

“Fiji looks forward to the continued strengthening of our ties with the UN in all dimensions: from fighting climate change, to promoting peace and security, to promoting sustainable development and to protecting human rights,” Ambassador Prasad said.

He also spoke highly of the success that Fiji has achieved through its strong leadership at global, regional and national stages to shape a safe, secure and sustainable future for Fijians. Ambassador Prasad highlighted the bold actions and progress that Fiji has achieved over the years, to provide an equitable, inclusive and prosperous future for all Fijians.

As part of the 2019 Fiji Day celebrations in New York, Fiji’s 40 years of peacekeeping service has been acknowledged and tribute was also paid to those 60 Fijian peacekeepers who have paid the ultimate price whilst serving in the war torn and conflict zones around the world.

Fiji’s contribution in upholding the integrity of the UN through its peacekeeping with grace, humility and courage has also been commended by senior UN officials and Ambassadors who took pride in celebrating Fiji Day with Ambassador Prasad and the small Fiji Mission team in New York.