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Religious tolerance in Uzbekistan - changing approaches and views

Mardi, 16 Août 2022

With the declaration of independence and the commitment of the Government of Uzbekistan to the ideals of democracy, the choice of a secular path for the development of society gradually made it possible to create equal legal conditions for the existence of religions in general and religious groups in particular.

Is the right to freedom of speech fully guaranteed in Uzbekistan?

Mardi, 16 Août 2022

According to article 29 of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, everyone has the right to freedom of thought, speech and beliefs. The consolidation of this right in the Constitution of the country is one of the main guarantees of freedom of speech, since it obliges the State to ensure it.

Eradication of forced labour - striking example of the political wil

Mercredi, 03 Août 2022

In recent years, thanks to the strong political will of President Sh.M.Mirziyoyev, a completely new system of ensuring human rights and freedoms has been created in our country on the basis of large-scale reforms carried out to glorify human dignity and comprehensively protect their interests.

Religious tolerance and interfaith consent in Uzbekistan

Lundi, 01 Août 2022

With the declaration of independence and the commitment of the Government of Uzbekistan to the ideals of democracy, the choice of a secular path for the development of society gradually made it possible to create equal legal conditions for the existence of religions in general and religious groups in particular.

National mechanisms for securing property rights

Mercredi, 20 Juillet 2022

Ensuring the right to property in each state is an important factor in the development of the country's economy. Over time, new forms and types of property are being created, and this, in turn, poses new tasks and functions for the state to protect property rights from various threats and encroachments. Therefore, the state must create the most necessary conditions to ensure the inviolability of property.

O'zbekiston Respublikasi Tashqi ishlar vazirligining bayonoti

Mercredi, 06 Juillet 2022

Ayrim ommaviy axborot vositalari va inson huquqlari bo’yicha tashkilotlar tomonidan no’malum manbalarga tayangan holda Qoraqalpog'iston Respublikasi Nukus shahrida sodir bo'lgan voqealar haqida turli xil taxminlar va asossiz xabarlar muhokama qilinmoqda.

Go’yoki noqonuniy kuch ishlatish orqali “tinch mitingni tarqatish”, jumladan favqulodda holat e'lon qilish orqali “mustaqil ovozlarni yopish va axborotni oqimini to’sish” haqida asossiz bayonotlar berilmoqda. 

Заявление Министерства иностранных дел Республики Узбекистан

Mercredi, 06 Juillet 2022

Отдельными средствами массовой информации и правозащитными организациями со ссылкой на неназванные источники муссируются разного рода предположения и недостоверные сообщения о событиях в г. Нукусе Республики Каракалпакстан.

Делаются необоснованные заявления о якобы незаконном применении силы для «разгона мирного митинга», «затыкании независимых голосов и блокировании информации», в том числе посредством объявления чрезвычайного положения.