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Ambassadorial-level Meeting on the Pact for the Future

Tuesday, 28 May 2024
H.E. MR. ANTONIO M. LAGDAMEO, Permanent Representative, Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Philippines to the United Nations in New York
Conference Room 4, United Nations Headquarters, New York


Distinguished Co-Facilitators,

The Philippines thanks and commends your efforts for coming up with this concise REV 1 of the Pact for the Future.

On process, we welcome the inclusive conduct of this process, noting the consultations and engagements that you also conducted with Major Groups and other Stakeholders and civil society.

Going forward, please continue in your approach to ensure that the Pact is:

  • Strategic, appropriate for Heads of State and Government;
  • Characterized by a high level of ambition; and
  • Action-oriented, both in substance and structure.

On substance,

First, in general, the Philippines looks at REV1 positively as it resonates with our national interests and is responsive to global challenges. The actionable deliverables across the five chapters support our commitment to reinvigorate multilateralism and boost the implementation of existing commitments.

On elements of the Pact where it has pronounced itself, the Philippines aligns with the statement of the G77 and China.

Second, we strongly support the commitment to, and call for strengthened efforts to promote, the primacy of the rule of law, which is the foundation of a global rules-based order. The predictability and stability of international law ensures that countries, big or small, can resolve their differences through peaceful means.

Third, we welcome the recognition in the text of the positive contribution of migration to sustainable development and the commitment to maximize this contribution. We however believe that there is ample room to strengthen the language on migrants.

As an example, we welcome the call to strengthen international cooperation to protect the human rights of all migrants; but the Pact needs to go further and needs to be explicit, particularly where it is truly needed - and this is in ensuring the humane treatment and protection of the human rights of all migrants, regardless of their migration status. We have already agreed on this in many of our GA resolutions. We cannot regress. 

We further submit that the Pact needs to also recognize the important role migrants play in increasing social, cultural and economic ties between peoples and nations, thus building bridges and contributing to peace.    

The Pact should also acknowledge the specific circumstances and needs of young migrants.

Fourth, climate resilience, climate justice, climate financing.

As one of the most vulnerable countries to the adverse impacts of climate change, we need a Pact that speaks resolutely on climate action; and the imperative of further advancing efforts to address loss and damage. 

Fifth, we will continue to constructively engage in the processes of the “Global Digital Compact” and the “Declaration for the Future Generations,” with the understanding that these are part and parcel of the Pact.

Finally, we need an enduring global solidarity and cooperation to reach an agreement on this important document; and to implement the commitments and aspirations contained therein. This means building trust, transcending our differences and committing to serve the people on the ground.

Excellencies, colleagues, we need to deliver.

Thank you.