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10th Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) Main Committee III: Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy, Cluster 3: Nuclear science and technology and development

Thursday, 11 August 2022
Ms. Andrea Lynn Lazaro, Third Secretary, Philippine Mission to the United Nations Office in Vienna
UNHQ Conference Room 4


Thank you, Madam Chair,

We align ourselves with the substantive recommendations contained in the Working Papers of the NAM and the NPDI. In our national capacity, my delegation would like to propose the following five elements for inclusion in the report:

  • First: the Conference must welcome the significant contribution of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy – both in non-power and power applications – to sustainable development, as well as in the advancement of scientific knowledge;
  • Second: the Conference must recognize the role nuclear technology can play in both mitigating and adapting to the severe consequences of the climate crisis;
  • Third: the Conference must recognize that peaceful uses have an important role to play in global economic recovery – one that is inclusive and sustainable – in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic;
  • Fourth: the Conference must recognize that there is a fundamental need to enhance the transfer of nuclear technology to and sharing of nuclear knowledge with developing countries; and
  • Fifth: the Conference must encourage greater participation of women in the nuclear sector – including in science and engineering, education, disarmament and non-proliferation, and diplomacy.

Madam Chair,

The successes and valuable contributions of the third pillar of the NPT give us many reasons to celebrate. The peaceful uses of nuclear energy continue to provide us with the tools to deepen our understanding of our world.  In particular, isotopic techniques are essential for environmental studies, allowing us to study climate, the water cycle and nutrient uptake. They allow us to trace toxins and pollutants in the environment.

They also offer solutions for addressing the world’s most pressing challenges -- be it climate change, pandemics, cancer, pollution, as well as ensuring food, water and energy security.

Nuclear applications support developing countries such as the Philippines in our pursuit of our development objectives, and contribute to achieving each one of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, including zero hunger, good health and well-being, clean water and climate action.

Nevertheless, we regret that the COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented crisis, reversing fragile development gains and setting back much of our progress towards attaining the SDGs. Many people from the developing world have now gone into poverty, in danger of being without food or water, without access to healthcare, unemployed, and/or living in insecure conditions.

In this regard, peaceful uses must be considered a critical component of inclusive and sustainable global recovery in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic.   Capacity-building is more important than ever, to ensure that developing countries have the right tools to build back better. We continue to support the IAEA’s continued technical assistance to Member States, as well as its valuable research and development work, in various nuclear applications, in line with its motto of Atoms for Peace and Development.

Thank you, Madam Chair.