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PH leads discussion on reshaping economic development through empowerment of women in science at the UN

Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - 15:00


Ms. Adoracion Navarro, Undersecretary, National Economic Development Authority, delivers a keynote speech at the 5th International Day of Women and Girls in Science


12 February 2020, New York – “We remain steadfast in further promoting the participation of women in our economy,” National Economic Development Authority Undersecretary Adoracion Navarro said in her keynote statement at the high-level session “Reshaping economic development through empowerment of women in science” of the 5th International Day of Women in Girls in Science Assembly.

“The 2020 World Economic Forum Gender Gap Report notably highlights that in the East Asia and Pacific Region, the Philippines ranked 2nd in closing the gender gap, as it has closed 78.1% of the gender gap,” Ms. Navarro noted in her statement, addressing representatives of Member States, UN agencies, civil society organizations and the private sector.

Ms. Navarro also highlighted Philippine laws, policies and initiatives in promoting economic empowerment of women through science, technology and innovation, including the Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 which, “lays down many strategies related to science, technology and innovation which are imperative due to the rapid advances in technology brought by industry 4.0.”

Ms. Navarro also emphasized the Philippine’s efforts in advocating for policy reforms, including expanded maternity and paternity leaves, and stronger enforcement of the Telecommuting Law to encourage women to remain in the labor force even during their peak child bearing age and counter stereotyped gender roles – a factor that affects female labor force participation. Complementing these policy reforms is the passage of the Innovative Startup Act and the Philippine Innovation Act addresses the issue of funding. 

The 5th International Day of Women and Girls in Science Assembly takes place from 11 to 12 February 2020 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.  The Assembly brings together high-level representatives from governments, international organizations, civil society and the private sector to discuss the interlinkages between gender inequality, specifically in science, digital and technological revolution, and agricultural sustainable development. END