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The Permanent Mission of Republic of Malawi to the United Nations

Mission History: 

Membership in Commissions and Boards

General Assembly

Vice President of the 58th Regular Session of the General Assembly     

Economic and Social Council and its functional Commissions  

Member of the Economic and Social Council -1980 – 1982, 2007- 2009
Member of the Commission for Social Development- 1997- 2000
Member of the Commission on Human Rights -1994-1996
Member of the Commission on Narcotic drugs – 1980-1983
Member of the Commission on population and Development- 1967-1968, 1978-1981, 1986-1989, 1998-2001
Member of the Commission on Sustainable Development -1993-1995, 2008-2010
Member of the Commission on Status of Women - 2000-2004  

United Nations Funds, Programmes and other bodies

Member of the UNICEF Executive Board 1970-1973, 2004-2006, 2011-2013
Member of the UNDP/UNFPA  Executive Boards 2007-2009
Member of the United Nations Environment Programme- 1973-1974,1979-1981, 1998-2001
Member of the UN Human Settlements Programme (UN Habitat) 1979-1981, 1986-2000, 2003-2006
Member of the Executive Board of the World Food Programme 2003-2005 (Elected by ECOSOC)
Member of the International Labour Organization 19910-1993, 2002-2005
Member of the Food and Agricultural Organization 1975-1978, 1983-1985
UN Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization -1987-1991, 1999-2003
Member of the Executive Board of the World Health Organization- 1973-1976, 1987-1990


Former Ambassadors



H.E. Mr. David Lubadiri: July 1964  -April 1965; May 1995-December 2001  



      H.E. Mr. John Ngwiri (right):   August 1965 - July 1966



H.E. Mr. Bridger W. Katenga:  August 1966 - July 1967  



H.E. Mr. Wales Nyemba Mbekeani: July 1967 - August 1972



H.E. Mr. Gamaliel Petro Bandawe:   September 1972 - November 1972



H.E. Mr. Robert Bernard Mbaya: August 1972- October 1975; February 1989 - April 1995



H.E. Mr T. J. X.  Muwamba: November 1975 - March 1981



H.E. Mr. N.T.Mizere:   March 1981 - July 1985



H.E. Mr. Timon Mangwazu: September 1985-July 1988



H.E. Mr. Ngelesi M. Mwaungulu: May 1992 - April 1995



H.E. Prof. Yusuf M. Juwayeyi: January 2000 - October 2001



H.E. Dr. Isaac Chikwekwere Lamba: November 2001-December 2003



H.E. Prof. Brown Chimphamba: April 2004-November 2006



H.E. Mr. Steve D. Matenje, SC,: November 2006 - May 2010



H.E. Brian G. Bowler: June 2010 to July, 2012

866 United Nations Plaza, Suite 486, New York, N.Y. 10017
+1 212-317-8738
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