Madam Chair,
1. At the outset, my delegation aligns itself fully with the statement delivered by the distinguished representative of Thailand on behalf of ASEAN. Allow me to add a following remark in my national capacity.
2. The Lao PDR is fully committed to advancing gender equality and empowering women and girls as a top priority for achieving the 2030 Agenda. We attach great importance to the implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action as well as other regional instruments in promoting women's rights and ensuring that no one is left behind.
3. The Lao PDR ratified the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) on 14 August 1981. Recently, we have just completed the presentation of our 10th Periodic Report (2019-2022) during the 89th session of its committee held in Geneva. This report showcases the significant progress made in implementing national policies, legislative frameworks, and measures to eliminate discrimination against women in all aspects. It also provides statistical updates and tracks the implementation of national action plans aimed at eliminating discrimination, with reference to key indicators aligned with the SDGs.
4. Moreover, the Lao PDR has prioritized the advancement of women as one of its key national development policies. In this regard, the government has made significant investments in improving essential infrastructure, health, education, and job creation to reduce poverty and create more opportunities for women, particularly poor families in rural areas. The Five-Year National Socio-Economic Development Plan (2021-2025) serves as our roadmap for progress. Towards this end, we are committed to:
• First, ending gender-based violence: through robust legal frameworks and comprehensive prevention programs. Three core institutional mechanisms namely the National Commission for the Advancement of Women and Mother and Child (NCAWMC), the Lao Women Union and Women Parliamentarian Caucus, have played crucial roles in empowering women, promoting gender equality and preventing and combatting gender-based violence. As a result, significant progress has been recorded in the promotion and protection of women’s rights and interests in all areas including political, economic, social, cultural, and within their families.
• Second, promoting women's political participation: by ensuring their equal representation at all levels of government and decision-making processes. In recent years, the number of women represented in the National Assembly has been gradually increased. Likewise, considerable number of women are holding the important positions of ministers and deputy ministers in the Cabinet and playing increasing leadership role in the local administrations.
• Third, fostering inclusive economic growth: by expanding economic opportunities for women, supporting women entrepreneurs, and promoting their access to finance. We also attach great importance to promoting women’s role in all socio-economic sectors, increasing their business ownership opportunities by creating an enabling environment for women in micro, small and medium enterprises as well as assisting women’ access to digital education, skills development, market, and capacity building for ecommerce and digital economy. In addition, the implementation of the National Rural Employment Promotion Strategy 2021-2025 has further promoted economic empowerment for women particularly in rural area and provided funding and concessional credit for agricultural production and activities in order to improve their economic and social well-being.
Madam. Chair
5. Lao PDR remains committed to strengthening its national capacity to fulfill these commitments. We firmly believe that these efforts will significantly contribute to ending poverty among women, eradicating early child marriage, reducing gender-based violence, and improving the overall well-being of women and girls across the country. In this regard, the Lao PDR looks forward to further strengthening collaboration with all UN agencies, development partners, international financial institutions, and other stakeholders in our shared commitment to ensure gender equality and empower women and girls in the country.
6. In conclusion, I would like to reaffirm the Lao PDR's unwavering commitment to promoting gender equality and the advancement of women in all aspects, in line with the international conventions which we are a party to,
I thank you.