Statement by Mr. Sackpaseuth Sisouk,
Third Secretary, Permanent Mission of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic
to the United Nations at the Sixth Committee of the 75th Session of the United Nations General Assembly
On Agenda Item 182: Observer status for the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization in the General Assembly
New York, 10 November 2020
Mr. Chairman
My delegation would like to echo our confirmation that the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization is intergovernmental, aiming at strengthening forest cooperation by transforming proven technologies and policies into concrete actions in the area of sustainable forest management, in order to address the impact of climate change.
It is our belief that granting the observer status for the Asian Forest Cooperation Organization in the General Assembly will further enhance the work of the Organization by making important contribution to the international community efforts in addressing environmental degradation and achieving broader global goals and targets, such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the global forest-related goals.
We therefore seek the support from the membership for the adoption of this resolution.
Thank you.