Mr. Chair,
1. My delegation aligns itself with the statements made by the distinguished representatives of Uganda and Thailand on behalf of the Group of 77 and China and ASEAN.
Mr. Chair,
2. At the outset, my delegation would like to extend our appreciation the United Nations Development System (UNDS) and the UN country teams for their critical roles and constructive engagement in supporting member states’ national socio-economic development plans and development activities, by mobilizing financial, comprehensive policies, and technical assistance. Over decades, the closely partnership between the Lao Government and UN country teams has been further strengthened through the important programs and UNDS has a significant contribution in supporting the developing countries in addressing their specific challenges and development needs.
3. We strongly committed to engage with the development activities undertaken by UN system at country level are in-line with national priorities and strategies and continue to support specific needs to enhance development aspects and narrow development gaps and build resilience for international shocks. We appreciate the efficiency of operational activities at country level, with appropriate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to ensure their effectiveness and take stock of the progress made to address the existing off-track of the SDGs.
4. Being the Both LDCs and LLDCs, the Lao PDR has continued to encounter multiple and adverse development challenges. Likewise, the Lao Government has been working closely with the UN country teams and all development partners to address the special needs and has integrate the SDGs into our National Social-Economic Development Plans. On this context, we commend the role played by Resident Coordinator’s Office in pursuing the UN Country Teams in order to facilitate development activities of the RCO at country level.
Mr. Chair,
5. On this note, my delegation wishes to highlight the following points:
First, we strongly encourage development partners to reaffirm their commitments to ensure the timely provision of sufficient resources, which includes predictable and sustainable funding for UNDS and UNRC continually.
Second, UNDS and other specialized agencies should enhance their efforts to mobilize financial resources, technical specialized and improve their effective coordination. This is the crucial resources are effectively leveraging of development finance to narrow financial gaps, in line with national development priorities.
Third, to accelerate the existing SDGs, UNDS and development partners should focus on enhancing national capacities and ownership, to ensuring the sustainable implementation of development activities, aimed at ending poverty, energy security, digital connectivity and education.
Fourth, the new cooperation framework of UNDS should be aligned with national priority to building economic resilience and adequate financing for future crises and be ready to response unpredictable situations. This preparedness could encompass a particular area, including poverty reduction, disaster management, climate adaptation and rural development.
Mr. Chair,
6. I wish to conclude by extend my delegation’s sincere appreciation to all UN agencies, development partners, international financial institutions for their continued support and comprehensive engagement to Lao PDR. With constructive contribution, we are dedicated to achieve the SDGs and ensuring that no one is left behind.
Thank You.