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Statement by Mr. Natthakith Thaphanya, Third Secretary at the General Debate of the 78th Second Committee on Agenda Item 22: Operational Activities for Development

Friday, 13 January 2023

Mr. Chair,

  1. My delegation aligns itself with the statements made by the distinguished representatives of Cuba, Thailand, Nepal, and Botswana on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, ASEAN, LDCs, and LLDCs respectively.

Mr. Chair,

  1. My delegation appreciates the critical role of the United Nations Development System (UNDS) and tireless efforts of the UN country teams in supporting member states’ national socio-economic development plans and activities, including by mobilizing financial and technical assistance. Over the years, the partnership and collaboration between the Lao Government and UN country team has been further strengthened through the implementation of various programs. Moreover, UNDS has played a key role in supporting countries in special situations namely LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS in addressing their specific development challenges.
  2. On this note, we welcome the findings contained in the report of the Secretary-General on the implementation the Quadrennial Comprehensive Policy Review of operational activities by increasing 14% funding for the countries in special situations to enhance the implementation development activities.
  3. We strongly encourage that the development activities undertaken by UN system at country level are in line with national priorities and help to enhance development efforts and build resilience for external shocks. To ensure the effectiveness of operational activities, it is important that appropriate monitoring and evaluation mechanisms are put in place in order to ensure their effectiveness and take stock of the progress made, and challenges encountered and address the existing off-track SDG goals and targets.
  4. As one of the most vulnerable countries, the Lao PDR has continued to encounter multiple development challenges. The ongoing multiple crises have significantly disrupted our social and economic development efforts and the livelihoods of people. In this regard, the Lao Government has been working closely with the UN country team, development partners, and all stakeholders to address the special needs and has streamlined internationally agreed development goals into our National Social-Economic Development Plans. On this note, we commend the role played by Resident Coordinator’s Office in leading the UNCT and facilitating development activities as well as the need for strengthening capacity for RCO to effectively carry out its mandate.

Mr. Chair,

  1. On this note, my delegation wishes to highlight the following points:

First, we strongly encourage our development partners to not only commit but also ensure the timely provision of sufficient resources, which includes predictable and sustainable funding for UNDS.

Second, UNDS and other specialized agencies should intensify their efforts to mobilize resources and improve their effective coordination. It's imperative that the resources are channeled effectively to bridge the existing development and financial gaps, in line with national development needs and priorities.


Third, UNDS and our development partners should focus on enhancing national capacities and ownership, which is pivotal for ensuring the sustainable implementation of programs, aimed at eradicating poverty and mitigating the multiple challenges such as food insecurity, malnutrition, climate change, natural disasters, and energy insecurity, among others.


Fourth, UNDS should give priority to building resilience for future shocks and be prepared for unforeseen situations. This preparedness could encompass a spectrum of areas such as poverty reduction, disaster management and climate adaptation.


Mr. Chair

  1. I would like to conclude by expressing my delegation’s sincere appreciation to all UN agencies, development partners, international financial institutions for their continued support. With concerted efforts, we are dedicated to realizing the SDGs and ensuring that no one is left behind.

Thank You.