Statement by
H.E. Mr. Anouparb VONGNORKEO,
Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Lao PDR to the United Nations,
At the 2021 ECOSOC Management Segment
Agenda item: 18(a) Sustainable Development
New York, 8 June 2021
Mr. President,
At the outset, my delegation aligns itself with the statement delivered by the chair of LDCs and echoes our full support to all the key elements raised by the chair, in particular with regard to the impacts of the Covid-19 on graduation and the pre-existing challenges, which require consistent supports and assistances to graduating LDCs in order to ensure a sustainable recovery and irreversible graduation.
My delegation would like to thank the Committee for Development Policy (CDP) Secretariat for its continued engagement and meaningful consultations during the Expert Group Meeting (EGM) and the triennial review.
The Lao PDR welcomes the adoption of the draft resolution E/2021/L.18 by the council. My delegation appreciates the recommendations and findings of the CDP following our second triennial review, and we are delighted that the council endorses the recommendation that Lao PDR, along with Bangladesh and Nepal graduate from the list of LDC with a five-year preparatory period, which will allow graduating countries to have sufficient time to smoothly and effectively prepare for a post-covid recovery and smooth graduation strategy focusing on weathering socio-economic impacts triggered by the pandemic.
My delegation would also like to reiterate that the Lao PDR is committed to graduating from LDC status in quality and irreversible manner. We are grateful that the council calls upon the CDP to continue its consultations with countries concerned, and monitoring the graduating and graduated countries, and the committee will analyze at its 2024 triennial review, if GA decides whether a five-year preparatory period will be adequate to address the impact of the Covid-19 that has pushed our country into a second lockdown period since April this year.
Mr. President,
We are pleased to observe that our readiness for graduation in the coming years further testifies the remarkable achievements made in our national development efforts, and in this endeavor, international partnership and cooperation has played a critical role. Therefore, development partners, UNDS and international community should firmly commit to enhance their support and assistance to a graduating country, particularly during this pandemic while ensuring that graduated countries continue to enjoy LDC-specific support measures for a certain period, consistent with their actual development situations and needs.
Let me conclude by extending, on behalf of my government, our sincere appreciations to the development partners, UNDS, member of the ECOSOC, and CDP secretariat for the continued support and assistance extended to Lao PDR as we continue to pursue our sustainable development objectives and improve the livelihood of our people. My particular thanks to you, Mr. President and delegation of Botswana for facilitating the consultation on this draft resolution with regard to the CDP report. Last but not least, I commend Bangladesh and Nepal, our fellow LDCs, who are similarly on the graduation pipeline.
Thank you.