Mr. President,
Lao PDR once again, reiterates its call for peaceful political and diplomatic solution to the conflict and supports all ongoing efforts and peace negotiations between the parties concerned. Likewise, we urge the international community to refrain from any action that could fuel escalation of tension.
As a party to 7 of the 9 core human rights treaties, Lao PDR opposes all gross and
systematic violations and abuses of human rights. We are gravely concerned by the recent reports and accusations of human rights and international humanitarian law violations and abuses. We are of the view that such serious allegations must not be taken lightly and must be backed-up by solid evidence and verified by an independent investigation mechanism by the United Nations, specifically the Human Rights Council’s Independent International Committee of Inquiries.
My delegation voted against the draft resolution A/ES-11/L.4 entitled “Suspension of the
rights of membership of the Russian Federation in the Human Rights Council” because we believe that the reports of violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law must be verified by credible, neutral, impartial and independent assessment mechanism, before any action is taken. The Lao PDR is concerned by the notion that any of Member States of the UN and HRC can be subject to suspension and other punitive measures without due process of investigation and verification.
As this issue is of paramount importance for all UN member states, we also believe that all
GA resolutions should be adopted by consensus, reflecting the spirit of equality and solidarity among UN member states. In conclusion, my delegation believes there is a dire need for more clarification through an independent mechanism that should be accepted and supported by all member states before drawing conclusion and passing judgment. We remain hopeful that the most urgent task now is to create the environment conducive for a peaceful resolution to the conflict and immediate cease-fire agreement, which will eventually lead to total cessation of hostilities.
Thank You, Mr. President.