Mr. President,
The Lao PDR is gravely concerned about the humanitarian situation in Ukraine. My delegation commends and supports all humanitarian efforts to assist the affected Ukrainian people and all foreign nationals. We applaud all countries and organizations, which have extended swift humanitarian assistance in Ukraine. Likewise, we believe that all parties and organizations concerned will continue to ensure safety and provide secured passage for the refugees in and around the conflict zones. The top priority for now is to prevent the situation from further escalating, while salvaging every glimpse of hope for an immediate and even permanent cessation of hostilities.
Mr. President,
My delegation voted “abstention” on the Resolution A\ES-11\L.2 entitled “Humanitarian consequences of the aggression against Ukraine” because we believe that the General Assembly’s resolution with main humanitarian objective should be adopted by consensus and the texts should contain well-balanced and non-politicized language that will help to ease the tension and create conditions conducive for all humanitarian operations on the ground, in line with the fundamental principles of humanity, neutrality, impartiality, and independence, reaffirmed by the GA resolutions 46/182 (1991) and 58/114 (2004).
The urgency now is to seek political and diplomatic solution to the conflict and we commend all ongoing efforts and peace negotiations between the parties concerned. Therefore, there is a dire need to refrain from any actions that could fuel the escalation of tension and hamper diplomatic efforts. Only diplomatic means will lead to a cease fire agreement and allow unhindered humanitarian actions. We have already witnessed the negative consequences derived, which could entail long-term impacts on innocent people in the region and the global community at large.
I thank you, Mr. President.