Mr. President,
I would like to begin by thanking you, Mr. President, for convening this Open Debate and I congratulate Russian Federation for assuming Presidency of the Council this month.
My delegation would also like to thank the Secretary General for his important briefing.
The Lao PDR aligns itself with the statement delivered by Azerbaijan on behalf of the Non-Aligned Movement.
Mr. President,
We have arrived at this very critical juncture when the international community is confronted with multifaceted challenges, including armed conflicts, economic, financial and environmental difficulties. Multilateralism, which has always been at the core of international cooperation, has been undermined, whereas unilateralism has been on the rise.
“We”, as stipulated in the Charter, are the peoples of the United Nations and we shall gather here to find the most appropriate solutions and take urgent actions in addressing the problems facing us all today. This cannot be done without firmly upholding the principles of the UN Charter and preserving multilateralism. Our United Nations was founded to avert another global catastrophe. Our collective wisdom and political will to find the most pragmatic approach in tackling the increasing number of crises imperiling us today must be above all unilateral and political interests. In doing so, we must bolster our solidarity, address the differences and avoid confrontation and division.
In this context, the United Nations, especially the UNSC, must effectively fulfill its mandate in maintaining international peace and security. It is our shared aspiration that the UNSC be transformed in order to respond to the current global security threats and needs. The international community must find peaceful and long-lasting resolutions to the ongoing conflicts and disputes.
We believe that unilateral coercive measures contradict the principles of the UN Charter and international law. They continue to impede the rights and prevent the full economic and social development of the innocent peoples subjected to them. To ensure lasting peace and prosperity, we must create opportunities for peaceful resolutions and conducive environment for diplomatic negotiations.
As an active and responsible member of ASEAN, the Lao PDR has attached great importance to the promotion of regional peace and stability. We in ASEAN, through the Treaty of Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ), have firmly upheld the importance of non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which lays a solid foundation for maintaining regional peace and security. In this same vein, ASEAN's role in addressing regional security challenges, including the issue of Myanmar by peaceful means, remains essential. We must also do our utmost to ensure the continuation of humanitarian assistance to the people in need as well as to advance full and effective implementation of the Five-Point Consensus agreed by ASEAN leaders.
In conclusion, Mr. President, I would like to reaffirm the Lao PDR's unwavering commitment to upholding the principles of the UN Charter and stands ready to continue working closely with all member states in maintaining international peace and security.
I thank you