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Statement by Ambassador Anouparb Vongnorkeo, Permanent Representative of the Lao PDR on Agenda Item 38: “Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial and Finacial Embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”

Wednesday, 01 November 2023

Mr. President,

My delegation aligns itself with the statements delivered by the distinguished representatives of Azerbaijan, Uganda, and Singapore, on behalf of NAM, G77 and China, and ASEAN, respectively. We echo their sentiments in calling for an immediate end to the economic embargo imposed by the United States on Cuba.

We thank the Secretary General for his comprehensive report on this important matter and join others in extending our warm welcome to His Excellency Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba to this august assembly.

The Lao PDR stands firmly in solidarity with the Cuban people, emphasizing that the embargo, which has persisted for over six decades, is in direct contradiction to the fundamental principles of the United Nations Charter and established international norms. This prolonged embargo has inflicted severe hindrances on Cuba's social and economic development, depriving its people of the ability to advance their national development efforts.

Mr. President,

In the face of the multi-faceted challenges confronting our world today, from natural disasters and economic hardships to wide spread armed conflicts, it is morally indefensible to impose additional deprivation on innocent people. Therefore, we stand united with the overwhelming majority of UN member states, echoing the necessity of ending the economic, commercial, and financial embargo against Cuba, as articulated in various UN resolutions.

In the current global landscape, marked by uncertainty and crises, it is more crucial than ever for Cuba, a sovereign UN member state, to determine its own destiny without external interference or hindrances. The Lao PDR, like many countries, strongly opposes unilateral coercive measures. Not only do they violate the principles of the UN Charter and international law, but also inflict negative social and economic impacts on innocent civilians, depriving them of their legitimate right to development.

On this note, we reiterate our steadfast support for the global call for an immediate end to unilateral coercive measures imposed on Cuba and remove it from the list of "state sponsors of terrorism". In this regard, my delegation will continue to support and vote in favor of the draft resolution A/78/L.5 on the “Necessity of Ending the Economic, Commercial, and Financial Embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba”.

Mr. President,

In conclusion, the Lao PDR urges all member states to amplify our collective commitment to foster equitable and sustainable development while safeguarding the legitimate rights of all countries, as enshrined in the UN Charter, especially in the midst of this challenging global uncertainty.

It is our shared responsibility to ensure that the people of Cuba, like all nations, have the opportunity to thrive and determine their own destiny.


Thank you, Mr. President.