Mr. President,
At the outset, my delegation aligns itself with the statements made by the distinguished representatives of Cuba, Nepal, Botswana, and the Philippines on behalf of G77 and China, LDCs, LLDCs, and ASEAN respectively.
I would like to highlight some of the following points in my national capacity:
First, in light of the increased vulnerability to disaster risks globally, it is crucial for the international community to further strengthen cooperation framework to effectively address global challenges and to mitigate the impact of disasters and promote sustainable development.
Second, Lao PDR is fully committed to supporting the outcome of the 2022 Asia-Pacific Ministerial Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction. We recognize the importance of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and promote international efforts to implement effective disaster risk reduction and response measures at all levels.
Third, since 2015, Lao PDR has made significant progress in disaster risk reduction by developing and implementing policy and legislations, including the Law on Disaster Management and the National Strategy on Disaster Risk Reduction 2021-2030. To ensure effective implementation, the National Disaster Management Committee has been established with an objective to strengthen national disaster management and risk reduction capacity. In addition, Disaster Management Fund has also been set up. The Lao PDR has demonstrated its firm commitment to the implementation the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction and has submitted its Voluntary National Review on the midterm review in 2023.
Fourth, to further enhance our disaster risk reduction efforts, we have developed national toolkit aimed at enhancing resilience, community-level preparedness, shock-proof infrastructure and system, as well as promoting community’s participation, innovation and knowledge-sharing in disaster risk reduction, among others. These actions will make important contribution in better managing and mitigating disaster risks, building resilience and ensuring safer and more sustainable future.
In conclusion, Lao PDR is committed to continue working closely with all member states and development partners to further implement the Sendai Framework and we look forward to continued cooperation and support towards this goal.
Thank you.