Wednesday, 04 October 2023
Mr. Chair,
- At the outset, my delegation wishes to congratulate you and other members of the Bureau on your election to the Second Committee and assure you of our full support and cooperation.
- My delegation aligns itself with the statements delivered by the distinguished representatives of Cuba, Indonesia, Nepal, and Botswana on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, ASEAN, LDCs and LLDCs respectively.
- The theme “Building a sustainable recovery for all” is of great relevance at a time when the international community has been encountering multiple challenges at a level we had never experienced before. Following the negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, the major challenges facing developing countries varies from an increasing extreme poverty, external debt, and unjust international financial architecture to extreme natural calamities. All this has not only hampered the hard-earned development progress during the last decade, but also threatened the survival of humankind.
- It is disheartening that the most vulnerable of people and countries, namely the LDCs, LLDCs and SIDS are now suffering the most. Therefore, it is more vital than ever for the international community to find solutions, not only transformative, but also more practical, effective, action-oriented, sustainable, and tailored to the most pressing needs, so the most vulnerable are not left behind.
Mr. Chair,
- The Lao PDR attaches great importance to UN reform, including UN Development System. We need the UN that is more relevant and effective in the rapidly changing geopolitical landscape and be able to safeguard international peace, security, and advance sustainable development. In recent years, scientific and technological advancement, and innovation has made us better equipped to tackle global challenges. Yet, without our common desire, shared responsibilities and collective actions, the most vulnerable peoples in the world will continue to be left behind.
- To support sustainable development, we are of the view that a revitalized and resilient multilateralism as well as enhancement of regional and international cooperation is much needed. To scale up the implementation of the SDGs, the UN development system, development partners and international financial institutions must act together in a more coordinated manner. The UNDS at all levels must also play an essential role in resource mobilization and coordination, including supporting countries in special situations to address their specific needs.
- On climate change, the Lao PDR is amongst the countries who contribute the least to global emission. Like others, we are among the victims of climate change. Nevertheless, we remain committed to the international climate obligations. At national level, the National Strategy for Climate Change has been adopted. To ensure full and effective implementation, it requires sufficient financial resources as well as technical assistance, access to climate finance and other funding sources, which will greatly support developing countries. In this regard, my delegation urges to realize the international commitment, particularly $100 billion in climate finance for countries in need the most. To this end, our delegation trusts that the outcome of the Climate Ambition Summit 2023 will lay a foundation for concrete actions in the lead up to COP 28.
Mr. Chair,
- To graduate from LDC status, the Lao PDR remains committed to achieving the targets set in the DPoA through the implementation of our National Socio-Economic Development Plan (NSEDP) in which relevant priorities of the DPoA have been integrated. In addition, we have also embarked on the development of the Smooth Transition Strategy (STS) which will help the Government, development partners and relevant stakeholders to focus on the most pressing needs and challenges that may disrupt our graduation process.
- In the preparation for the next Programme of Action for LLDC in 2024, we believe that it is crucial to refocus on the most pressing needs and priorities of the LLDCs, which include infrastructure development, regional integration, trade and transport facilitation, digital connectivity, energy transition, among others, in order to mitigate the vulnerabilities LLDCs are facing and help support their sustainable development and structural transformation.
- In conclusion, my delegation firmly believes that our deliberation will yield valuable insights and recommendations as well as knowledge exchanges and best practices among member states. We reaffirm our strong commitment to continue working closely with all partners to implement the internationally agreed development goals and ensure a sustainable recovery. I Thank you.