Mr. President,
My delegation aligns itself with the statements delivered by the distinguished representatives of Azerbaijan, Pakistan, Singapore, on behalf of NAM, G77 and China, and ASEAN, respectively.
We would like to thank the Secretary General for presenting the report on this important issue and join others in extending our warm welcome to H.E. Mr. Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba to this assembly hall.
Mr. President,
Once again, we are gathering here at this august assembly to reiterate our call for putting an end to the embargo posed on the Republic of Cuba and reaffirm our unwavering support and solidarity with the Cuban people. Throughout the past 6 decades, the embargo imposed on the Republic of Cuba, a sovereign member state of the United Nations, has severely impeded social and economic development of the country and brought about severe consequences and hardship to the innocent people.
The Lao PDR has remained of the view that the embargo contravenes the spirit and key principles of the United Nations Charter and international law. Moreover, with the current multifaceted challenges the international community is facing, including the lingering impacts of COVID-19 pandemic, natural calamities, economic and financial difficulties, food and energy crises, among others, the Lao PDR joins the overwhelming majority of UN member states in our call for the immediate lifting of the embargo as stipulated in the various UN Resolutions. It is more crucial than ever for the international community to provide all necessary support and conducive conditions for Cuba, a sovereign and independent member state of the United Nations and its people, to fully determine their own development path and put an end to needless deprivation caused to the Cuban people. For this reason, my delegation will continue to support and vote in favor of the draft resolution A/77/L.5 on the necessity of ending the economic, commercial and financial embargo imposed by the United States of America against Cuba.
In conclusion, my delegation urges all member states to redouble our collective efforts and commitment in advancing equitable and sustainable development and promoting legitimate rights of the people in accordance with the purposes and principles enshrined in the UN Charter, especially at the time when all countries are facing multiple and unpredictable challenges.
I thank you.