Mr. Chair,
Allow me to congratulate you and all members of the bureau on your election to lead the Sixth Committee of the 78th Session and assure you of my delegation’s full support and cooperation.
My delegation aligns itself with the statements delivered by Cambodia and Islamic Republic of Iran on behalf of ASEAN and Non-Aligned Movement (NAM).
Mr. Chair,
As the international community is striving to find appropriate solutions through strengthening multilateral cooperation to safeguard global peace and security, counter-terrorism remains a critical task. My delegation is of the view that terrorism in all its forms and manifestations does not only threaten stability of nations, but also cause tragic loss of lives and property and hinders socioeconomic advancement including the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
Therefore, my delegation reiterates its unwavering support to all regional and international efforts to find all means and adopt appropriate measures to eliminate international terrorism. In this regard, we are of the view that all measures to eliminate international terrorism should be used in accordance with the principles of the UN Charter and international law, and with respect to sovereignty and territorial integrity of each nation.
Mr. Chair,
On its part, the Lao PDR has actively been engaging in all platforms of cooperation at all levels guided by the related international conventions on counter terrorism, which the country is a party to. Towards this end, the Lao Government has regularly improved and reviewed its domestic law and regulations in compliance with the international conventions. In this context, all acts of terrorism have been enlisted under its Penal Code and identified as serious criminal offenses, including money-laundering and financing of terrorism.
At the regional level, the Lao PDR has ratified the ASEAN Convention on Counter-Terrorism which binds itself for regional cooperation to counter, prevent and suppress terrorism in all its forms and manifestations and to deepen cooperation among law enforcement agencies and relevant authorities of the Parties in countering terrorism.
The Lao PDR is a party to 13 international conventions and other instruments related to counter-terrorism including the Convention on Offences and Certain Other Acts Committed on Board Aircraft in 1963, the International Convention Against the Taking Hostages in 1979, the International Convention for the Suppression of Terrorist Bombings in 1997, the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism in1999.
In addition, the Lao PDR has joined the Asia Pacific Group on Money Laundering (APG) since 2007 and committed to effective implementation and enforcement of the international standards against money laundering, and financing of terrorism set by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). Likewise, the country completed the 2nd mutual evaluation (3rd round APG) conducted by the assessment team based on the FATF’s 2013 assessment methodology to analyze the level of compliance with FATF’s 40 recommendations, and the report on anti-money laundering (AML)/counter-terrorist financing (CTF) measures adopted by the APG in July 2023.
To enhance better understanding among the relevant authorities, the Lao Government, in collaboration with UNODC and other UN agencies, has conducted a series of workshops and seminars to increase awareness of international terrorism at central and local levels. This continued effort has made an important contribution to the implementation of the obligations under related international conventions on terrorism.
Nevertheless, much more remains to be done. To further strengthen regional and international cooperation in this area, my delegation is of the view that regular exchange of lessons learned and best practices is of particular importance, especially in building capacity for the relevant authorities at the national level. In addition, particular attention must be given to building national capacity for the least developed countries including the development of appropriate toolkits on counter-terrorism, transfer of knowledge and technology
Mr. Chair,
In conclusion, my delegation reaffirms its strong commitment to promoting and supporting global efforts on counter-terrorism in line with the principles of the UN Charter and International Law. On this note, my delegation expresses its profound appreciation to all friendly countries and international organizations for the continued support and cooperation rendered to the Lao PDR.
Thank you.