United Nations Welcome to the United Nations. It's your world.

Ambassador Jose Blanco

Ambassador Jose Blanco





Welcome to the web page of the Permanent Mission of the Dominican Republic to the United Nations. As a founder member of the UN, our country has been actively involved in many of its initiatives, including those related to the human rights, among them the women rights, the elderly rights, domestic violence, peace and security. In this regard, our country played an important role in the establishment of the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, November 25 of every year, according to the General Assembly’s resolution 54/134, of 17 December 1999.

We believe that the foundation of the UN responded to the world’s needs when it was created and we firmly still believe that the UN, with its many responsibilities in terms of peace, security, sustainable development and the struggle against the worst manifestation of inequalities, is today as necessary as it was at the end of the World War II.

In spite of emerging difficulties, the United Nations is keeping its role as the best endowed organ to face the challenges of a new century and the situation inherited after the end of the Cold War. The Dominican Republic, its government and its people, reaffirms its commitment with the historical mission of the United Nations and its capabilities to deal creatively with the challenges of the world today, thanks to the support and good will of all country members.