Thank you very much for convening this informal meeting of the Ad Hoc Working Group on the
Revitalization of the work of the General Assembly. This is a great opportunity to exchange views on the
proposal to appoint the next Secretary-General for a single non-renewable term.
In my national capacity my delegation would like to make some additional specific comments on the
election of the first female Secretary General, the presentation of more than one candidate and the
single non-renewable term of seven years.
We firmly believe that it is high time for a female Secretary General. Costa Rica is convinced that after
eight Secretaries-General males and in the light of the commemoration of the seventieth anniversary of
the United Nations, it is time for a woman to occupy that high office. We are convinced that about half
of the world population there is not one but many women with higher capacities and skills to occupy
such a high post. Costa Rica calls upon Member States to present and support female candidates for the
appointment of Secretary General.
Costa Rica wants to see the democratization of the selection process of the Secretary General. Security
Council providing plural number of candidates to the General Assembly for the post increases inclusivity,
transparency and most importantly legitimizes the process through voting. United Nations has
championed the cause of democracy, and it is indeed ironical why the principle has not adopted in the
selection process of the most important position in the organization.
It is clear that the length of term on the appointment of the Secretary General is open to revision and
needs to be debated. The UN Charter does not need any amendment in order to set the single term
We need to reflect on the next selection of the Secretary General having in mind that from now on we
will create a new precedent and a new culture on the topic, it is urgent to set a new practice in which
the General Assembly has an import role to play, in accordance with the UN Charter, the resolution
69/321 and other relevant decisions, as well as drafting the final resolution for the appointment of
Secretary General specifying that the next Secretary General is being appointed for a single non-
renewable term of seven years.
The single term provides the Secretary General with a political space to get his/her commitments and
goals without any distraction of getting reappointed. The world challenges, including the
implementation of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, require a Secretary General without
campaigning for a reappointment following interests of individual Member States neither.
The current arrangement which provides for a five year term with the possibility of getting re-elected for
a second term prevents the Secretary General from focusing entirely on the agenda at hand. The
possibility of holding the office for a second term diverts the attention to campaigning, re-election and
the complications that comes along.
A single terms guarantees the Secretary General independence, strengthen her stance, help in giving the
person in office a stronger voice and it could aid the Secretary General in ensuring that the
appointments made at other levels are strong, thus raising the overall quality.
We believe that the single term contributes to the accountability of the Secretary General and that
accountability should be on a regular basis between the Secretary General, the Security Council and the
General Assembly.
Independence in the exercise of a position like Secretary General does not means lack of care and
attention for the relative weight and power different countries exercise in global politics. In a
multipolar world is clear that balances are to be made in different tense situations. Nevertheless,
fidelity is not to be expected from any country from a Secretary General that should be faithful to the
Charter and its principles only.
My delegation appreciates the commitment and important role played by the President of the General
Assembly in implementing the resolution 69/321 and in this regard the letter dated February 25th, 2016
regarding informal dialogues with the six candidates for the position of Secretary General to be held
April 12-14th, 2016.
It is time to act in favor of transparency and democracy.
Thank you very much.