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Ministerial Segment of the 10th Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests

Monday, 08 April 2013
Ambassador Javier Díaz-Carmona
Istanbul, Turkey

I congratulate you, Mr. Chairman, and other members of the Bureau, on your respective elections for the Tenth Session of the United Nations Forum on Forests (UNFF).  We believe that under your able and wise leadership we will be able to achieve important and effective outcomes from this timely and important session. Let me also assure you of Forest -Eleven’s (F-11) support and cooperation during your chairmanship.


As I present F-11’s perspectives for UNFF-10, allow me first of all to associate our statement with the statement by…. on behalf of the G77 and China.


Mr. Chairman,


I speak on behalf of 14 tropical rainforest countries namely Brazil, Cameroon, Colombia, Congo, Costa Rica, Democratic Republic of Congo, Gabon, Guatemala, Guyana, Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Peru and Suriname. Together, we represent nearly half of the world’s rainforests.


We reiterate our commitment to promote dialogue and strengthen cooperation in sustainable forest management (SFM) through Tropical Rainforest Countries Cooperation Framework adopted in 2009 that will enable the implementation of measures and practices aiming at the sustainable use of our world’s forests. We aspire to toward the achievement of the four Global Objectives on Forests.

Mr. Chairman,


The enduring role that forests play to sustain our planet; to provide and to support humans with their necessities, was underscored at Rio+20.


It’s clear that forests have a significant contribution in providing the spectrum of solutions that we need to raise the quality of life for our peoples.


Therefore, as we move forward from Rio+20, it is especially important to continue emphasizing the significance of forests in development by mainstreaming SFM in economic, social and environmental policies and decision-making, particularly in light of competing pressures that can undermine the roles of forest.


We urge the international forest community to redouble efforts to implement SFM as a tool for achieving poverty eradication, support rural livelihoods, protect biological diversity and genetic resources for present and future generations, as well as contributing to the mitigation of climate change.


By the same token, forests have been repositories of the cultural heritage of vast numbers of people, which contain knowledge and wisdom that is valuable for social progress. This is another strong reason to implement SFM.


By the same token, forests have been repositories of the cultural heritage of vast numbers of people, which contain unique knowledge and wisdom that is valuable for social, economic and environmental progress. This is another strong reason to implement SFM.


Forests are also recognized for the multifunctional role in supporting efforts to achieve all goals and targets under the MDGs. In this context, the UNFF process, as the main platform to deliberate global forest issues, should contribute towards enhancing inter-sectoral coordination, to integrate forests into the UN system’s work on development.


Mr. Chairman,


Forest-11 believes there is vast opportunity for the global forest community to leverage upon and enhance their contribution towards achieving SFM through the following: 


First, is in the context of the 10th session of the UNFF, which should establish the Global Forest Fund. The Fund which would tap all sources, including new and additional, for developing countries, is a concrete step forward to realize the four Global Objectives on Forests; promote sustainable forest management; and implement the non-legally binding instrument (NLBI) in all types of forests. It is our fervent view that the Fund should not only be an empty shell with limited commitments.  Therefore, we further call for effective mechanisms to ensure adequate, sustainable, and predictable replenishment of the Fund. Financing for SFM activities is very crucial for developing countries since the economic contribution from forestry sector is still the mainstream for sustainable development agenda. 


Second, Forest-11 believes that the discussion on the future international arrangement on forest needs to assess both cross-sectoral and inter connections nature of SFM, as well as specific linkages that countries have identified between forests and development, particularly, the internationally agreed development goals to help countries, in particular, developing countries, to arrive at a future international arrangement on forests that respond to the issues related to sustainable development in particular efforts to eradicate poverty and enhancing sustainable livelihoods.


We must undertake further steps to advance the United Nations development agenda beyond 2015. Incorporating the development concept of sustained, inclusive, and equitable economic growth and development, as an integral part of a post 2015 development framework, can greatly contribute to achieving, not only existing development goals, but also new goals that could be set post-2015.  We also urge that the principle of common but differentiated responsibility between developed and developing country should be respected in SFM.



Mr. Chairman,


The Rio+20 Outcome document reiterates the pivotal role of the UNFF in addressing forest-related issues in a holistic and integrated manner as well as in promoting international policy coordination and cooperation to achieve sustainable forest management. 


It is our fervent view that the success of the 10th Session of the UNFF will very much depend on our efforts and commitment to ensure a comprehensive and balanced outcome, which recognizes the importance of forests to support the common endeavor to achieve sustainable development.


F-11 would therefore like to welcome the outcomes of the Second Meeting of the Ad Hoc Expert Group on Financing, in January of this year.  It is our hope that the following consultations we are going to embark from now to next week will be able to reap a strong and meaningful decision on global forest financing as well as strengthen the implementation of the forest instruments to advance SFM.


I thank you.