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UNGA High-Level Forum on the Culture of Peace

Monday, 01 August 2016
Trusteeship Council Chamber, UNHQ

Mr. President,


Seventy years ago, the late Philippine statesman, General Carlos P. Romulo addressed the 41st Plenary Meeting of the General Assembly in October 1946 with the following words:


“We are not here to make the peace, but to build for peace. We are not here to avenge the injuries of the past, but to fulfill humanity’s hopes for the future. We are not here to reap and divide the harvest of victory, but to make ready the hearts and minds of men for the seeds of peace.”


Today, we are all here in solidarity not only to meet head on the challenges to peace, but also to answer the clarion call for sustaining and investing in peace.


The Philippines, therefore, highly commends the President of the General Assembly for convening today the Fifth High Level Forum on the Culture of Peace.


Mr. President,


As part of our Government’s commitment to the UN Security Council Resolutions 1325 and 1820, the Philippines is the first country in Asia to formulate and adopt a National Action Plan on Women, Peace and Security.


Launched in 2010 and implemented in 2012, the National Plan of Action focused on two (2) primary outcomes:


  • Protection and Prevention – to ensure the protection of women’s human rights and prevention of violations in armed conflict and post-conflict situations; and


  • Empowerment and Participation – to empower women and ensure their active and meaningful participation in peacekeeping, peacemaking, peacebuilding, conflict prevention, conflict resolution and post-conflict reconstruction.


Efforts to mainstream the plan of action at both the national and local levels were undertaken to influence the regular planning, programming and budgeting processes of 17 national government agencies, and the development plans of 41 local government units or LGUs in conflict-affected and conflict-vulnerable areas or areas covered by peace agreements.


Mr. President,


Philippine President Rodrigo R. Duterte recently approved the Six-point Peace and Development Agenda and the Bangsamoro Peace and Development Roadmap, which includes the Continuity of the Government of the Philippines-Moro Islamic Liberation Front Peace Process through the implementation of the Comprehensive Agreement on the Bangsamoro or CAB.


Two weeks ago, the “Implementing Phase” of the Bangsamoro Peace Accords was launched so that “peace dividends can be felt on the ground immediately.”


We wish to reiterate deepest appreciation to all our partners in the international community for working with and for standing by the Philippines in achieving just and lasting peace through the Bangsamoro peace process.


Mr. President,


As we envision a future of enduring peace, shared prosperity and meaningful collaboration, the Philippines is committed to put the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development on top of the domestic political agenda.


Now, more than ever, the Philippines has strengthened its resolve to champion the agenda on the “Culture of Peace” under the Duterte Administration’s governance roadmap.


Thank you, Mr. President.