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Open-ended informal consultative meeting on the prevention of an arms race in outer space

Friday, 01 March 2024
Ms.Jeanray A. Ringor-Ruiz, Attaché, Permanent Mission of the Republic of the Philippines to the United Nations in New York
Conference Room 2, United Nations Headquarters, New York


Mr. Chair,

Distinguished Delegates,

I am honored to present the perspectives of the Philippines on the elements crucial for the development of a legally binding instrument on the Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space (PAROS). Our commitment to the cause is reflected in two working papers submitted during the GGE process, each highlighting essential considerations for the collective well-being and security in outer space.

Working Paper on Due Regard:

Our first working paper emphasizes the principle of due regard, anchored in Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty (OST). The salient points are as follows:

  1. Principle of Due Regard: We advocate for the incorporation of the principle of due regard, as outlined in the OST. This principle obliges states to conduct space activities with consideration for the interests of other states, necessitating consultations if potential harm is foreseen.
  2. Operationalization through Communication: The legally binding instrument must operationalize due regard through effective communication and collaboration mechanisms among space actors. Early engagement in assessing potential threats is essential, requiring states to consider the perspectives of other nations from the preliminary stages of a space activity.
  3. Harmonization with UNCLOS: Drawing inspiration from the UN Conference on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), due regard must extend not only to States Parties but to the international community as a whole. This mirrors the global nature of potential harm resulting from outer space activities.
  4. Defined Activities Requiring Due Regard: The instrument should clearly define activities such as tests in outer space, conduct of rendezvous proximity operations, and rocket launches, where due regard, through prior notifications and consultations, is imperative.

Joint Working Paper on Space Threats, Counter-Space Capabilities, and Irresponsible Behaviors:

Our second working paper, a collaborative effort with German experts, emphasizes the intersection of national and global security. Key points include:

  1. Broad Definition of National Security: Acknowledging that national security extends beyond traditional threats, we define it as a state where the people’s welfare, well-being, and way of life, along with territorial integrity and core values, are enhanced and protected.
  2. Interconnectedness of Space Security: Recognizing the intrinsic link between the safe and secure use of outer space and national, regional, and global security. Our paper underscores the critical role of space-based services in socio-economic development, security, and defense.
  3. Addressing Security Threats: To formulate an effective legally binding instrument, a comprehensive understanding of security threats, counter-space capabilities, and irresponsible behaviors is essential. This involves considering the dual-use nature of space systems and distinguishing between capabilities and actual threatening behavior.
  4. Behavioral-Orientated Approach: Emphasizing the pragmatic and effective nature of a behavioral-oriented approach, our paper underscores the importance of detecting threatening behaviors through space situational awareness (SSA), recognizing the challenges of verifying capabilities.

Mr. Chair,

We join others in urging that verification mechanisms should be provided in the legally binding instrument. We recognize that it is a challenge to install these mechanisms with the current technology that is available. Nevertheless, we have to forge on because a verification mechanism is a foundation of stability and consistency in enforcing treaty obligations. As a complementary measure, we believe it will be helpful to strengthen transparency and confidence building measures and build norms of responsible behavior in space to reduce threats or perception of threats.

In conclusion, Mr. Chair, these two working papers and a verification mechanism offer a robust foundation for the development of a legally binding instrument on PAROS. The Philippines urges the GGE to consider these elements as we collectively work towards a framework that ensures the responsible and peaceful use of outer space for the benefit of all.

Thank you.