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Fifth Thematic Consultations (“Enhancing International Cooperation”) on OCA

Thursday, 10 March 2022
AMBASSADOR ARIEL RODELAS PEÑARANDA, Deputy Permanent Representative, Philippine Permanent Mission to the United Nations
General Assembly Hall, UNHQ


Mr. Chair,

We appreciate Slovenia’s facilitation today of the 5th consultations on “Enhancing international cooperation.

This theme is the lynchpin of our discussions under Our Common Agenda which contains four (4) broad areas, setting the stage for a Summit of the Future in 2023: “solidarity between peoples and future generations, a new social contract anchored in human rights, better management of the global commons, and equitable and sustainable global public goods.”

We align ourselves with the statement delivered by Pakistan on behalf of G77 and China.

We wish to highlight the following:

  1. On the peaceful and sustainable use of outer space, we consider the preservation of space for peaceful uses as a matter of national importance, guided by the principles of long-term sustainability, equitable access, and international cooperation.

It is therefore important to concentrate our work in areas such as building and promotion of the technological capacities, transfer of technology favorable for developing countries, among others, within the framework of international cooperation.

We also welcome the creation in Geneva of the OEWG on reducing space threats through norms, principles, and responsible state behavior and the adoption of the resolution “The ‘Space2030’ Agenda: Space as a Driver of Sustainable Development” by the UNGA in its 76th Session.

This is a forward-looking strategy which reaffirms and strengthens the contribution of space activities and space tools to the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, the Paris Agreement, among other UN frameworks.

  1. We support the proposal to strengthen cooperation between the UN, regional and sub-regional organizations. We also support enhanced dialogue between the UN system and international financial institutions and regional development banks.
  2. We value engagement with NGOs, civil society organizations, the academia, private sector and other stakeholders. Engagement with civil society must be open, inclusive and balanced. We caution against engaging only or favoring organizations or groups that espouse a particular ideology, belief or advocacy, and excluding those with contrary views.
  3. The sovereignty of States and the inter-governmental nature of the UN must be preserved in its engagement with non-state actors. In this connection, we wish to be clarified about the plan to make the UN “a convenor” where “all sectors can make commitments and be accountable.” Further, we wish to be clarified on how “accountability” can be ensured from civil society organizations.

Mr. Chair,

As this is the final round of thematic consultations under “Our Common Agenda,” we look forward to receiving the summaries of all the five thematic consultations with clear concrete steps in implementing the various recommendations contained in the Report.

Thank you.  END