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Open Meeting of the Security Council on the Situation between Iraq and Kuwait

Thursday, 27 March 2003
H.E. Mr. Alfred Capelle
United Nations Security Council

Mr. President,

Mr. Secretary-General,


It is my honor to address this open meeting of the Security Council. I would like to express my thanks to you, Mr. President, for convening this meeting and once again giving small delegations such as my own an opportunity to participate in this crucial debate.


Mr. President,


The Republic of the Marshall Islands is a country of peace-loving people. Both our people and our lands have suffered from the ongoing effects of weapons of mass destruction. We have witnessed first-hand the absolute devastation that can be unleashed by such weapons.


For this reason, we believe that the disarmament of the Iraqi regime is an urgent priority. We also support the ultimate goals of the current operation in Iraq – to ensure Iraqi compliance with its disarmament obligations, and to restore the sovereignty of the country to her people.


Mr. President,


The devastation of war is becoming increasingly evident to all of us as we watch events unfold in Iraq.


The focus now needs to turn to the humanitarian needs of the people of Iraq. We therefore urge the Security Council to do everything in its power to ensure that humanitarian aid is delivered quickly and effectively to those who so desperately need it. Our energies must be focused on alleviating the suffering of the Iraqi people.


Mr. President,


In this difficult, turbulent time, our thoughts are with the coalition forces, and especially with the young men and women of the Marshall Islands who serve in the United States armed forces that are stationed in Iraq. We wish them all a safe and speedy return.

Our thoughts and condolences are also with all of those who have lost loved ones in this conflict.


We hope and pray for a swift resolution of this conflict, and look forward to the establishment of a new democratic Iraq, free of weapons of mass destruction, free for its people to live in peace.


Thank you Mr. President.