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الجمعة, (أيلول (سبتمبر 11, 2020 - 09:45

On the occasion of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the Fourth World Conference on Women and adoption of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (1995), the EPLO Mission to the United Nations is pleased to share the efforts, projects and results achieved so far by EPLO, during years of commitment in this field. EPLO will continue to work tirelessly in this direction in the years to come.


The EPLO implements a large number of technical cooperation projects assisting governments, institutions and civil society all over the world in promoting respect for fundamental human rights as well as women’s rights, anti-discrimination, promotion of women in the labor market, eradicating violence against women, gender mainstreaming. The Organization’s assistance in this field includes providing technical legal advice to national authorities, training for judges and civil servants, capacity and institution building directed at modernizing public institutions or aimed at the empowerment of civil society and local NGOs, scientific research and raising public awareness. The Organization has a strong and successful track record of projects in the sector with an overall experience of over 20 years.

Below is a selected list of projects the EPLO has implemented in these fields:

• European Commission Multiple Framework Contract for the provision of services in the field of Human Rights, Democracy and Rule of Law (Worldwide) FWC SIEA 2018 – LOT 3

• European Commission, DG Reform Framework Contract - Provision of consultancy services for the development and implementation of structural reforms in Member States: including labor market reforms, inclusion of women, governance and public administration reform, education, access to finance, etc.  

• Moving Forward: Promoting greater efficiency and effectiveness in the fight against trafficking in human beings in Kosovo  

• Framework contract for the supply of impact assessment, evaluation and evaluation-related studies; compliance assessment and evaluation of communication activities – Lot 1: Supply of impact assessment, evaluation and evaluation-related services in the policy areas under the responsibility of DG Justice and Consumers

• Victim Analysis and Safety Tool – VAST (EU MS)

• PROTASIS: Police Training Skills (EU MS): to contribute to the development of a victim-friendly environment during the victims’ contact with the police.

• EU Framework Contract Beneficiaries Lot 7 – Governance and Home Affairs (Worldwide)

• Restorative Justice in Cases of Domestic Violence. Best Practice Examples between Increasing Mutual Understanding and Awareness of Specific Protection Needs (EU MS)

• Restorative Justice in Europe: Safeguarding Victims & Empowering Professionals (RJE) (EU MS)

• VESTA II: Reduction of Trafficking in Women through Prevention Activities, Safe Migration and Victims Reintegration (Vietnam)

• Tracking Progress in Strengthening Criminal Justice Indicators for Integrated Case Management (EU MS)

• Civil Society Organizations as a Control Mechanism in the Actions against Trafficking in Human Beings in the Western Balkans (FYROM, Kosovo, Serbia, Albania)

• Study to Compile Factsheets on Rights of Victims (EU MS)

• Improving the Institutional Capacity of the Agencies Involved in the Prevention of Trafficking in Human Beings in Line with the Current European Standards and Best Practices (Romania)

• VESTA: Education Activities towards the Strengthening of Vulnerable Groups in Vietnam

• ROXANA I – Establishment of s Center for Supporting Women in Afghanistan

• HERA - Network for Combating Human Trafficking in Central and Eastern Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Cyprus, FYROM, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Turkey, Ukraine and Greece)

• YPSILANTIS II - Support for the Necessary Legal Reforms towards Human Dignity and the Fight against Human Trafficking Especially of Women and Children in Moldova

• MYRTALI Project – Support to the Victims of Human Trafficking from Central and Eastern Europe (Greece)