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UAE Opening Statement at UN General Assembly Fifth Committee

Thursday, 05 October 2017
Maha Yaqoot Juma Harqoos
United Nations

Mr. President,

I am pleased at the outset to congratulate you on your assumption of the chairmanship of this Committee for its 72nd session, and we are confident that your experience in this field will contribute to the success of the work of this committee. I am also pleased to thank your predecessor for her wise stewardship of the work of the committee during its last session.

The United Arab Emirates also welcomes the facilitators appointed to organize the debate on the agenda items to be considered during this session, and we hope that the committee will be able to conclude its work in accordance with the timeline.

Moreover, the United Arab Emirates aligns itself with the statement delivered by the Permanent Representative of Ecuador to the United Nations on behalf of the Group of 77 and China, and I would like to deliver our statement in our national capacity.

Mr. President,

This committee includes several priority items that are central in achieving the desired development of the work of the United Nations, and my country is determined to play an affective and active role in the debate that will take place within the committee’s work.

Starting with the United Nations reform, the United Arab Emirates has announced its support and commitment by signing the political declaration on UN reform, joining over 120 countries that expressed its confidence in the Secretary-General and his ability to lead reform efforts within the organization, and making it more powerful and able to respond to the needs of the international community.

The UAE takes note of the advanced copy of Secretary-General’s report on “Shifting the management paradigm in the United Nations: ensuring a better future for all,” and welcomes the comprehensive approach to all debates and discussions, and we encourage its continuation to achieve sustainable results.

In support of the work the UN, the UAE also looks forward to launching and fully operating projects and administrative and financial tools like Umoja and IPSAS, and we look forward to utilizing these tools and developing them further within the framework of the Secretary General’s initiatives announced in his report. We also look forward to the other reports he intends to present on this topic.   

Mr. President, 
The United Arab Emirates firmly believes that organizations can function better if the principle of gender balance in filling leadership positions is realized. The UAE Mission works closely with UN entities concerned with the implementation of the principles of gender equality, such as working with UN Women to address women's issues. The UAE is also active within the Working Group on the Revitalization of the Work of the General Assembly to achieve the principles of gender equality and equitable geographical distribution of senior posts. In this regard, the UAE looks forward to the principle of gender equality and geographical balance being the basis of the discussions in the relevant items.
 Mr. President, 
 My delegation also looks forward to the discussion on “UN Resident Coordinators System,” and we hope that the UN will improve the current practice by affirming principles of transparency, accountability, and respect for sovereignty, to serve the aspirations and strategies of the countries following this system, and keep pace with its progress. 
In conclusion, my delegation looks forward to a constructive and positive discussion, and we reaffirm our commitment to active participation in the debate.
Thank you.